Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 144 [Strange Death]

The next day, Kerry, Ginny and Luna went to see Hagrid.

Hagrid was still the same, with his hair loose and a height of 3.5 meters. Kerry had to crane his neck to look at him.

""Hi! Kerry! Ginny... and this lady... hello!" Hagrid greeted enthusiastically.

"My name is not"Miss", my name is Luna Lovegood, a first-year student in Ravenclaw, you are really tall, twice as tall as me!"

Hagrid smiled friendly:"Okay! Miss Lovegood! Nice to meet you!"

The two sides chatted for a while, and Kerry helped Hagrid pull the vines of a plant off the tree, and then asked directly:"I have something I need to ask you, I don't think anyone in Hogwarts knows more about that matter than you"

"Happy to help!" Hagrid asked,"What's the matter?"

"Eight-eyed spiders!" Kerry said,"I found a whole batch of eight-eyed spiders in the Hogwarts castle!"

Hagrid was also obviously surprised, but he covered it up in a blink of an eye:"That thing is rare, but isn't it normal to appear in a wizard's castle?"

"Of course it's not normal!" Kerry said:"Since fifty years ago, those spiders have never crossed the edge of the Black Lake. The Hogwarts castle is a forbidden area. You know what I'm talking about!"

Hagrid was even more surprised this time. He looked at Kerry in surprise:"How do you know this?"

"Mr. Hagrid, do you want to know the truth about what happened fifty years ago?"Kerry said directly

"The truth?" Hagrid's face suddenly darkened, as if he was recalling something bad."It's been fifty years. What good is it to know the truth now? I can never go back... I've lived here for fifty years!"

"Your expression tells me that you don't really not care!" Luna said on the side.

Hagrid gritted his teeth and said in a heart-wrenching tone:"If only you could have appeared fifty years earlier, it would have been great!"

"It's not too late now!" Kerry looked at Hagrid, waiting for Hagrid's action.

Finally, Hagrid nodded and said,"I'll go ask you about the eight-eyed spider, and you have to tell me everything you know!"

Kerry said,"I'll wait in your hut!"

Hagrid turned and walked towards the Forbidden Forest. Kerry and the other two waited in Hagrid's hut.

Ginny and Luna were very interested in Hagrid's hut, because it was filled with all kinds of interesting plants and some collections.

The two of them seemed to have completely forgotten the unpleasantness and conflicts that happened a few days ago. Now the two of them are so close that they are like one person.

Kerry walked out of Hagrid's hut and helped Hagrid clean up some dragon droppings at the door, and put some of Hagrid's things in order. Thanks to Superman's speed and strength, it only took more than ten minutes for Hagrid's hut to undergo a huge change.

About forty minutes later, Hagrid's footsteps sounded outside the house.

Hagrid pushed the door in, but his face was extremely gloomy, and he said directly:"Some bad things happened!"

"A leader-level spider of the eight-eyed spider tribe died yesterday!" Hagrid hesitated when he said this:"Very strange! The spider had no external injuries. If it weren't for its ferocious expression when it died, perhaps the spiders would not care at all."

Ferocious expression? Perhaps for spiders, the understanding of"ferocious" in their minds is completely different from ours.

Kerry's heart shuddered - although the eight-eyed spider is very weak compared to Kerry, it is an extremely terrifying thing for other wizards or magical animals. It is definitely not an accident that this thing was killed by someone.

Thinking of this, Kerry thought about the possible enemies and put this information aside for the time being.

"Hagrid, let me tell you what happened fifty years ago!" Kerry explained:"Fifty years ago, there was a man in your class or almost in your class, Tom Riddle! He was the culprit who opened the Chamber of Secrets!……"

As Kerry continued to talk, Hagrid gradually pieced together the details in his mind. When Kerry finally said the name, Hagrid showed an expression of"as expected".

After Kerry finished speaking, Hagrid asked for more details, and Kerry answered them one by one. Finally, Kerry asked,"Can I go see the body of the spider? I mean the body of the spider after it died.""

"I'm afraid not! He's been sent to an underground spider cave, which is a place similar to a cemetery." Hagrid explained.

Kerry nodded and took Ginny and Luna back.

However, things were far more troublesome than Kerry had expected - the next day, a centaur ran to the gate of the castle, looking for Kerry.

As soon as Kerry saw the centaur, the centaur warrior said,"Something bad has happened! The deputy leader is dead!"

Kerry stomped and immediately flew to the Forbidden Forest. Then he saw the deceased in the Centaur tribe.

A tall Centaur was lying in a corner of the tribe, and the Centaurs were holding a"funeral" for him. The standard of this funeral was quite high. All the Centaurs sat around the deceased, forming a fist-like shape like a nebula.

Kerry got closer and was a little frightened: the Centaur had an extremely hideous expression, with protruding cheekbones, and his body seemed to be sucked dry by something, making him look thin. His expression looked extremely hideous, as if he was enduring the most uncomfortable pain in the world.

Kerry led Ginny and Luna to attend the funeral - the Centaurs belonged to the First Legion of Krypton, and Kerry, as the leader of Krypton, of course had to attend.

But things developed unexpectedly - that night, just after Kerry left the Forbidden Forest,���, a unicorn was killed!

The death expression was the same as that of the centaur, both were extremely ferocious, and there was no trace of the tranquility and beauty of the super magical creature.

"Pay attention to all ethnic groups in the Forbidden Forest!"Kerry arranged to Firenze:"This will definitely only be the beginning!"

Sure enough - the animals in the Forbidden Forest seemed to be cleansed, and almost every ethnic group had at least one horrible death.

But every time Kerry went to check, he was a step late, as if the other party was specifically on guard against Kerry.

By the end of January, the magical animals in the Forbidden Forest were all in danger - the dead even included a werewolf - they were the real original werewolves, unlike Professor Lupin who later, the original werewolf was actually a kind of wolf.

Later, even Professor McGonagall was alarmed, and she and Snape were ordered to comfort the animals and plants in the Forbidden Forest.

However, the deaths continued...

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