Superman at Hogwarts - Chapter 145 [The Third Time Converter]

Kerry was a little confused during this period. He went around the Forbidden Forest again and again, but did not find any traces. He also looked up a lot of information, but this way of death was unprecedented and did not match any poison or spell.

Now Kerry's super hearing can listen to more than 500 meters, but 500 meters is very small for the size of the Forbidden Forest. But no matter what, Kerry felt very strange. He should at least be able to track some clues. However, in fact, let alone clues, not even a trace was found.

This month can be said to have made Kerry doubt his life. Why can't Superman's superpowers be used here?

This month's tracking did not find any serious things, but on the contrary, he had some unexpected understandings of many animals in the Forbidden Forest. For example, many centaurs are actually related to unicorns. For example, many spiders are so huge that they are related to some large mammals, such as wolves.

Against this background, the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts has obviously become chaotic. Whether it is night or day, the several magical animals in it are suspicious of each other. They all thought that the other party had done these things.

Although Kerry had explained a lot of things and had also specially mediated some of them, the whole Hogwarts was like being poured with boiling hot oil, and it was crackling and chaotic.

Kerry's month was not without gain. He found a very important thing - the mastermind behind all this had a very important weapon.

Time converter - or something similar to a time converter.

The reason why Kerry's superpowers did not work normally was not because Kerry could not find it in space. And this person who instigated everything, he could escape every time a few minutes before Kerry arrived. He escaped not from space but from time. He moved himself forward for a few minutes.

Kerry and Hermione's time converters were all in their hands. There was no more news from the Ministry of Magic, but according to Professor McGonagall's feedback, their time converters should also be in the warehouse.

This time Kerry encountered real trouble.

Kerry sat alone in the library that day, looking at the red sun setting. What happened in the Forbidden Forest for more than a month made Kerry realize that perhaps Merlin's will really existed, and this guy's main purpose was to complete the"script".

Last semester, Kerry beat the master to death with his fists and killed the basilisk in advance. Now there is a backlash. Although there is no evidence, Kerry intuitively thinks that these things are actually aimed at him. Merlin's will saw Kerry tear up the script, and then began to punish Kerry.

The punishments that appeared this month were actually very minor, just making Kerry feel nervous, and he didn't lose anything because of it. But his magic value of 110,000 told him that these were just appetizers.

In the past month, the relationship between Luna and Ginny has become better and better, and the two have become good girlfriends. In the original book, Luna did not have a particularly close relationship with Ginny, they were just ordinary friends. Until the end of the 7th book, Luna did not get a real friendship, just like the relationship between Harry and Ron.

On this day, when Kerry was looking for information bit by bit and wanted to find those who caused trouble.

Harry hurried over and said breathlessly:"Hagrid is in trouble!"

Harry slowly told the story. Now Hagrid is lying in the school hospital.

He was poisoned!

Kerry immediately narrowed his eyes. This must be the work of the person behind the scenes.

This is just the beginning. Since Hagrid was poisoned, in just two weeks, four or five elves or related personnel in Hogwarts have fallen one after another. Their symptoms are exactly the same. Weakness, inability to speak, and then coma. After coma, sometimes they will talk some strange dreams, usually without much meaning.

Kerry looked at the classmates lying on the hospital beds and felt a little sick. The difference between these people and the stone men is that these people's bodies are soft, like a vegetable.

This Hogwarts has become panic because of these people's problems-just like the original book!

On this day, Kerry was bored and followed his classmates to class-Lockhart's Defense Against the Dark Arts class. But in this Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Lockhart didn't know why, and thought of a very strange idea.

He moved a large water tank from somewhere and filled it with various small squids.

"I want everyone to know that black magic does not only come from animals on the ground. Although wizards rarely go to sea, England is an island and we will inevitably leave the land."

Kerry did not listen to a word of this class. He stared blankly at the transparent glass water tank because he finally thought of the key point.

"Black Lake!"Kerry's heart was shocked. Although this unknown attacker did a lot of things, even using a time-twister to evade Kerry's pursuit. But there was only one thing that Kerry couldn't figure out, how he could come and go freely in a place where he couldn't move freely.

The entire Forbidden Forest, including Hogwarts Castle, couldn't be [Apparated]. There was only one thing that could move freely.——Water!

The attacker used water to escape, and Kerry was even sure that the attacker was hiding in the Black Lake.

To the south of Hogwarts is the station, and to the north of the station is the Black Lake.

First-year students walk a little north to the Black Lake Ferry, and you can see the castle across the Black Lake.

Every year, freshmen are led by Hagrid to cross the Black Lake to the underground dock opposite.

At the dock, they need to walk through a long upward tunnel.

At the end is a large lawn, and behind the lawn is the castle gate.

There is a tribe of mermaids and a giant squid living in the lake.

Some people claim that Gryffindor is an Animagus, he is not dead yet, and the giant squid is him.

He only changes back to his original form in the middle of the night and returns to the castle for a walk - of course, this statement is unfounded.

In the future Goblet of Fire, the mermaid tribe in the Black Lake will play a very important role.

Thinking of this, Kerry suddenly thought of the flying car that was still under the water.

This big octopus is very human, and those mermaid tribes may also help Kerry solve the case.

So that night Kerry quietly walked to the edge of the Black Lake and walked into the deep night.


There was no light at all in the Black Lake at night, and the bottom of the lake was pitch black. Thanks to Superman's super lungs, Kerry was able to move freely underwater.

From time to time, some luminous small animals would appear around him, such as some strange fish and some algae.

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