Superman at Hogwarts - Chapter 146 [Ugly Merman]

Superman can sneak underwater, but because Kerry is not yet an adult, he can only sneak underwater for about ten minutes to half an hour.

The area of the Black Lake is very large, almost as large as more than ten football fields. And its depth is far beyond people's imagination. It is actually an independent kingdom. Various fish swim freely in it. It is now mid-February, and the ice on the surface of the Black Lake is almost melted, but there are still some ice chips left.

Under the ice, the water is very dark and you can't see your hand in front of you.

Kerry first came to the side of the flying car. The octopus was in the car. When he saw Kerry, he pulled his body out of the car and stared at it with wide eyes. But Kerry read shock in his eyes.

This big octopus has lived in Hogwarts for at least hundreds of years. People can become spirits when they grow old, let alone this kind of animal.

Judging from his eyes, this octopus should be very familiar with magic. The difference between him and a real person may be that he lacks a mouth.

"Hello!"Kerry waved to the giant octopus and said hello.

The giant octopus actually raised one of its tentacles and waved back.

""Do you know where the mermaid tribe is?" Kerry asked.

The octopus pointed in a direction with his tentacles, and Kerry nodded and thanked him.

A few minutes later, the mermaid tribe's nest appeared in front of Kerry.

To be honest, their nests are not beautiful at all, giving people a very scary feeling. These nests are woven with kelp or water plants. Kerry can see mermaids one by one, and these mermaids look very scary. This is completely different from the image in fairy tales or myths and legends.

The mermaids' skin is iron gray, and their dark green hair is long and messy. Their eyes are yellow, their incomplete teeth are also yellow, and they wear pebbles strung together with thick ropes around their necks.

Rather than being an intelligent creature, they are more like It's better to say that they are a primitive tribe.

Before Kerry could get close, a sharp javelin shot out from the water. A mermaid warrior discovered Kerry, and within a few minutes, dozens of javelins flew towards Kerry. No one knew what materials these javelins were made of, but their speed underwater was like that of bullets.

Of course, this minor injury was nothing to Kerry. He dodged most of the javelins, and the remaining javelins pierced his body, making some big holes in his clothes.

Kerry felt that he had come to the right place, because he found that the warriors of the mermaid tribe were very nervous. Obviously, they had suffered the same fate as the Forbidden Forest Tribe.

"Murcus! I want to talk to you!"Kerry said this underwater at the top of his voice, which was superhuman. A normal person couldn't make any sound underwater.

Mercus is the leader of the mermaid tribe and a female mermaid. She only appeared twice in the Harry Potter series, the first time was in the Goblet of Fire, and the second time was at Dumbledore's funeral.

The warriors of the mermaid tribe did not stop because of Kerry's shouting, but threw more javelins.

At this chaotic time, Kerry noticed an inconspicuous figure in the school of fish. Thanks to the help of super vision, Kerry locked onto that figure at the first time. In the process of dodging the javelin, Kerry observed her movements for a few seconds, and then came to a conclusion that this was the mermaid leader he was looking for.

He waved his hands and feet and moved in the direction of the mermaid leader, like a sword from a string. Before all the mermaid warriors could react, Kerry had already stood in front of the leader of the mermaid tribe.

Mercus was very sensible. She saw that her warriors could not defeat Kerry, and waved to all the warriors to stop.

""Who are you?" the mermaid leader asked in broken English. The mermaids have their own language, so the human language is a foreign language to them.

"My name is Kerry, and I'm a sophomore." After some greetings, Kerry asked directly:"Has there been any unusual incidents in the mermaid tribe recently? For example, an invasion of strangers, or unusual deaths among the warriors?"

After hearing this, the leader seemed to take a little time to understand the meaning, and suddenly frowned:"What do you know? Why did you come here?"

"It seems something has happened! The soldiers' reaction is very intense, which means that a similar incident happened not long ago!"Kerry said firmly

"About a month ago, people in the tribe have been missing one after another, and the number has reached 10." The man and the leader said directly, and then asked seriously:"Do you know something? Where are our people?"

Kerry shook his head, pointed his thumb above the water and said:"In the past 6 weeks, many magical animals have died in the Forbidden Forest. They did not die naturally, but were killed by people! And since two weeks ago, the wizards of Hogwarts have also suffered misfortune. A teacher and three students were poisoned! I am here to investigate the poisoning incident!"

"Follow me!" The mermaid leader led the way, and in a few minutes, they came to a lake bottom full of mud.

There were many large water plants growing on the bottom of the water, and they looked like big trees from bottom to top. Kerry smelled the stench of a dead body from his nose. Although the smell could not be fully diffused in the lake, Superman's super sense of smell still allowed Kerry to smell these things.

The two came to a cemetery at the bottom of the lake, which seemed to be the place where mermaids were buried.

The mermaid leader talked to Kerry about recent events.

Since Christmas, more than a dozen mermaids have disappeared from the mermaid tribe one after another, almost every three days. One goes missing, sometimes even one goes missing every day.

The mermaid tribe has many secret spells that belong only to this tribe, but it is strange that when they look for these tribesmen, the secrets find that they are at the bottom of the lake, but they can't find them. Some special secrets show that these people are dead, but they can't catch the enemy anyway.

Even in this battle, several outstanding warriors of the merman tribe disappeared one after another.

Therefore, the mermaid leader encountered the biggest crisis since she came to power. She must find this enemy and kill him.

Kerry frowned deeply when she heard the news of the disappearance of the mermaid.

"Mermaid death? Time converter? Underwater escape? Magical creatures killed? Students poisoned?"

Kerry strung these fragmented words together, and gradually he had a guess, until this moment he finally figured out what the enemy had done.

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