Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 150 [Never retreat Voldemort]

Kerry quickly walked through the Forbidden Forest - no other reason, just hard hands!

All the intelligent creatures in the Forbidden Forest were severely punished by Kerry, and everyone said in a friendly manner that they would cooperate with Kerry and the school teachers. In Kerry's opinion, the biggest problem of Hogwarts is that everyone is used to being lax and not united. For example, after the basilisk attacked the students in the original book, the Slytherin people did not regard these students as their classmates, but as their enemies.

Naturally, there were a few stubborn thorns in the Forbidden Forest who refused to cooperate from the bottom of their hearts. Kerry sent them all to see Merlin, anyway, these magical animals were not protected animals.

When Kerry, Ginny and Luna came back from the Forbidden Forest, it was already late at night, but Hogwarts was as hot as daytime tonight.

Some students took the initiative to take the task of standing guard at night. Most wizards belong to the social elite. As long as someone cultivates them a little, they will burst out with incredible power.

The next day, the sun rose as usual.

Everything is ready. The only question is when will Voldemort show up and attack the students again?

Judging from the situation at the mermaid tribe, today is the fourth day since the last mermaid disappeared. According to common sense, the body of this mermaid should have lost its vitality. If Voldemort wants to continue hiding, he must take further action.

After lunch, Kerry had a brief chat with the professors of the school. They judged that Voldemort might start to act tonight.

The moonlight was dim at night, and the voices of people were silent.

At this moment, in a sewer in Hogwarts, a mermaid that was almost rotten suddenly emerged from the water. This was the mermaid possessed by Voldemort.

\"That guy really went to great lengths to catch me!" Voldemort's voice was very tired.

As a senior wizard, Voldemort was almost a god. When Professor McGonagall began to carve the magic circle on the first day, Voldemort felt an invisible threat. This was his natural intuition as a wizard.

Although Voldemort was knowledgeable and his magic power was strong enough, his understanding of ritual magic was not deep enough. He could not infer the real purpose of the magic circle carved by Professor McGonagall. Although the participating students talked a lot, no one knew the real function of the magic circle.

Voldemort hid for two days and two nights in this kind of fear. Now he finally couldn't stand it anymore and appeared in the sewer.

He must now go to the mermaid tribe and kill a new mermaid. Otherwise, when the body rots, this piece of Voldemort's soul will be permanently fixed in the remains, and he will become a real living zombie!

But the wizard's intuition is frantically warning Voldemort, which makes He was extremely conflicted. There was a small device hanging around the mermaid's neck, which was the hourglass! After struggling for several hours, Voldemort quietly returned to the Black Lake near midnight, and he was ready to take action again.

At this time, Kerry, Professor McGonagall and others were standing on the drawn magic circle.

Professor McGonagall looked worried - there were more than 1 billion calories of magic power in the sky, and even if Kerry had more than 110,000 calories of magic power, there was a difference of 10,000 times.

But the arrow was on the string and had to be shot. The magic circle had been drawn, and all the students of Hogwarts had been mobilized. It was no time to stop!

At the agreed time, 12 o'clock midnight.

The students of Hogwarts appeared in all locations throughout the castle, and they stood in positions that left no blind spots. Kerry stood in the center of the magic circle outside the playground, and Professor McGonagall and others formed a circle around him - even Lockhart was drafted.

Time's up

\"【The magic is calling you!】\"Kerry finished the spell.

Then the magic power in Kerry was instantly drained by the entire magic circle!

The magic circle shone with a deep blue light. At this moment, all the wizards around him also realized the huge magic power in Kerry. It was endless and awe-inspiring.

The most special one was Professor Flitwick. Professor Flitwick and Kerry had always had a bad relationship. Although he had some guesses about Kerry's strength, the scene in front of him still surprised him. It was completely beyond his expectations!

As the deep blue light appeared in the sky, the endless magic power that had been suspended in Hogwarts Castle for thousands of years was instantly pulled down, like a huge water ball with a big hole blown up. The magic power was like a waterfall, smashing towards the ground.

There was no other word more appropriate except the word"smash". The magic power was so huge that the weeds around Kerry were instantly stimulated by the magic power and grew a lot taller. It looked like he was standing in a dense primitive jungle.

Then the professors around Kerry were instantly frozen. There was no such moment in their lives. Able to withstand such a huge impact of magic. Now the magic value around them has reached at least 100 times the normal value! Even 1,000 times!

Then this wave of magic frenzy, like an out-of-control flood, spread in all directions. It only took one or two seconds to cover the entire Hogwarts campus. It took another one or two minutes for these surging magic to cover the Forbidden Forest and the Black Lake.

But it’s not over yet-the invisible magic is surging around with Hogwarts as the center.

At this moment, Kerry felt like a god. These magic powers passed through his control and spread around with him as the center. Every card of magic became a tentacle of Kerry, which allowed him to distinguish every brick and tile of the entire castle.

At this time, Voldemort had not yet realized that he was in great danger. He was in a corner of the mermaid tribe, waiting, waiting for the right time to kill a mermaid.

���The magic flowed so fast that before Voldemort could react, he felt as if he had entered a sticky piece of honey.

\""What is this? What happened?" Voldemort shouted frantically in his heart.

But before he could react, the magic power increased several times. He felt that his footsteps were instantly solidified in the asphalt.

After another minute or two, just when he was sluggish, the surging magic power finally reached its peak. The magic power, which was hundreds of times higher than the normal value, froze all the wizards in Hogwarts.

All the wizards were like wearing a piece of amber, and they even felt that they were about to suffocate.

At this time, only one person could still move.

That was Kerry!

\"Now it's my turn to act! \"But you instantly rushed into the sky and opened your perspective eyes.

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