Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 151 [Voldemort is dead again]

Kerry was suspended above the Hogwarts Castle. At this time, his hearing, senses and vision had reached the limit of his life.

But Kerry was not feeling well at the moment. A billion calories of magic power were all pressed on Kerry. Kerry exerted his strength to the extreme, and each of his two arms bore 400 tons of pressure. The huge impact of thousands of tons, like an aerial bomb, exploded next to Kerry. All the bones in Kerry's body creaked, as if he would not be able to hold on and explode in the next moment.

But Kerry held on! A billion calories of magic power stayed quietly in Kerry's hands!

At this moment, there was silence within a radius of hundreds of meters, without the slightest movement.

Kerry's perspective eyes first looked at the Black Lake of Hogwarts, because this place was the most likely hiding place for Voldemort.

As expected, Kerry was not disappointed. In his perspective eyes, a bright yellow light like a firefly appeared at the bottom of the Black Lake.

"Damn old man, here I come!"Kerry rushed to the bottom of the lake at the fastest speed. The bright light was Voldemort!

Voldemort couldn't move at this moment. He knew what happened. He wanted to put his hand on the hourglass. His hand was only 5 centimeters away from the hourglass.

But 5 centimeters is also a distance like a chasm!

The next moment, the Black Lake seemed to be blown up. In Voldemort's incredible eyes, Kerry had already placed his hands on the neck of Voldemort's mermaid.

The mermaid was already corrupt. Kerry could even see Voldemort's soul, crumbling in the mermaid's skull.

Kerry punched down without hesitation, and the pendant on Voldemort's body instantly released an invisible light. They were like tadpoles, swimming around Voldemort to protect him. Kerry's fist returned in vain.

But Kerry calmly swung the second punch!

Although Voldemort was motionless, at this In an instant, he seemed to hear an illusory sound, a sound of a sonic boom.

Then, in the next second, the remains of the mermaid that Voldemort parasitized exploded instantly.

Only a yellow soul remained in place, a very terrifying soul shape.

Voldemort's eye sockets were black, and there were no eyeballs at all. Voldemort's nose completely disappeared from the original position of the nose, leaving two large triangular holes.

His limbs became like skeletons, without any muscles.

Voldemort's soul didn't look like a human at all, but more like a ghost rider, a skeleton.

The next moment, Kerry ignored Voldemort's soul, and went straight to grab the small hourglass.

After losing his body, Voldemort's soul immediately became able to move normally.

But Voldemort is just an ordinary person. In terms of speed, he will never be able to surpass Superman. Looking at the time funnel, Voldemort showed a look of despair.

"【Bondage】!"Kree cast a spell on Voldemort.

Before Voldemort's soul could react, it was already bound.

"【Avada is eating a big melon!"Kree did not give Voldemort more time to think. In the next moment, he recited the Unforgivable Curse.

The green light flew along Kree's fingers towards the yellow soul. The next moment, Voldemort's soul was like a firework, exploding into tiny spots of light.

Half of the Black Lake was instantly rendered like a golden world by the yellow light spots, which actually seemed a bit sacred and solemn. After dealing with Voldemort, Kree finally relaxed.

The novels that Kree hated the most were those that gave the villain a long time to make a statement, and in the end the villain took advantage of the main opinion not paying attention and slipped away...

Kree would not make this mistake.

The next moment, Kree flew back into the sky.

He once again mobilized all his magic power and forcibly reconnected himself to the magic circle.

Then endless magic value rose back and floated towards the sky like a waterfall rising against the sky.

Kree's bones creaked again, and 1 billion magic points rose from the ground.

The next moment, Professor McGonagall and others recovered from their frozen state, After a few seconds of confusion, just when he was about to ask something,

Kerry finally couldn't hold on any longer. With a thud, he fell from the sky to the ground.

"How are you?"Snape was the first to react. He took out a bottle of prepared potion from his arms and was about to pour it into Kerry.

Kerry did not refuse and drank it directly.

""Has the enemy appeared?" Professor McGonagall asked softly a few minutes later when she saw Kerry's face regain its color.

Kerry was too tired to speak. He raised his finger and pointed at the pendant on his chest. It was the time hourglass!

Professor McGonagall's eyes lit up instantly, and excitement appeared in his tired eyes.

The time hourglass was already in Kerry's hand, indicating that the enemy had lost him, or even that the enemy was dead.

"So we won?!"Professor Flitwick said in an incredible tone.

"I think so!" Professor McGonagall smiled for the first time in a long time.

Kerry made a big shape and looked at the sky. Above Hogwarts, the one billion magic powers did not decrease much. It was still like a mountain, protecting the entire school.

At this time, the little wizards rushed out of the bed fort. Harry and the other guys from Team 91 ran the fastest, followed by Ginny and Luna.

At this time, Harry just heard Professor Flitwick's words-we won!

Immediately, several excited little boys rushed to the crowd, shouting"We won, we won!"

Then a group of little wizards rushed towards Kerry and Professor McGonagall.

They were lifted high and thrown into the sky like projectiles. This was the first time that Professor McGonagall enjoyed this kind of treatment. She shouted loudly for her classmates to put her down, but under this voice, the little wizards seemed even more excited.

This joyous farce lasted for a full hour, until after 2 o'clock in the middle of the night. The little wizards finally quieted down. Hogwarts was particularly quiet tonight.


In the Hogwarts lobby, Filch was staring at his hands in a daze.

On the ground opposite him, there was a burn mark.

"Is that thing I used just now called magic?"Filch stared at everything in front of him dully.

As everyone knows, he is a Squib. But at that incredible moment just now. He released the first spell in his life...

Filch's face was not very good at this time, but he still believed that he got the most important part.

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