Hogwarts' Little Superman_Chapter 152 [The Transformation of Black Cat Sheriff]

Filch looked at his hands excitedly. His greatest wish in this life was fulfilled. At this moment, he suddenly had an idea. Even if he died the next moment, he would be willing...

If this happened to Kerry, he would definitely stay alive. Except for his closest people, no one else would know about this.

But Filch had a big mouth. When Kerry woke up the next morning, everyone in Hogwarts knew about the Squib turning into a magician.

After hearing about this, Kerry didn't feel too surprised, because he had seen this miracle with his own sister.

It's just that the reason for his sister's magic power was the magic crystal from another world, and Filch was because of the infinite magic power concentrated hundreds of times.

But after Kerry estimated, he felt that Filch might not be able to become a formal wizard in this life.

The magic value on him can only reach 500 calories at most, which is equivalent to a first-grade wizard, but in any case, it is much stronger than the Squib.

The Squib regained its magic power, which was a strange news that had never happened in the magic world, and even attracted reporters from the Daily Prophet.

It was not until this time that the reporters who came late learned about what happened on the Hogwarts campus yesterday.

A second-year boy guided a huge amount of magic power and defeated an unknown enemy.

The bigger explosion point is that this boy has just received the Order of Merlin twice!

Damn! This is explosive news! Compared with this news, the fact that the Squib became a magician can only be regarded as a less explosive news.

Those reporters wanted to interview Kerry one after another, and Kerry pushed all the things to Dumbledore. Dumbledore had not returned to school at this time. He was still hiding in the Ministry of Magic or somewhere else.

There was no way, and this group of reporters could only interview the deans of the four colleges.

The fact that a Squib became a wizard again may be just some magical little stuff in the eyes of ordinary readers. But in the eyes of those senior wizards, this matter is far more eye-catching than Kerry's achievements. But these wizards are not loyal readers of these newspapers.

The news lasted for a week, so much so that the Ministry of Magic had to send people to investigate the matter.

Several Aurors came to question Kerry and the deans, but they didn't get much useful information. Kerry claimed that he didn't see the attacker's true face and lied that the attacker died because of the magic backlash caused by the hourglass. The

Aurors of the Ministry of Magic wanted to take the hourglass back to the Ministry of Magic, but Kerry refused them and claimed that it was his most precious trophy. If the people of the Ministry of Magic wanted to take the hourglass away by force, he would accuse all wizards.

Kerry finally said threateningly:"I have two second-class Orders of Merlin. My accusation against the Ministry of Magic will definitely get the attention of most wizards."

It was this sentence that made the Aurors give up this idea, and they could only return to the Ministry of Magic in disgrace.

This turmoil lasted for about ten days. After ten days, Kerry's life finally returned to normal.

On this day, Kerry returned to the lounge from the library. He remembered that he hadn't touched Ravenclaw's crown and ghost cat pet for a long time.

Kerry opened the cabinet and found these two things.

After removing Voldemort's soul, the function of Ravenclaw's crown was not damaged at all. It was just that both Kerry and Hermione felt that their IQ was enough to deal with most of the content, so they rarely used it. Kerry forgot it for a long time.

And the Black Cat Sheriff actually stayed with Hermione for a longer time. Most girls like furry things, and Hermione is no exception. She doesn't have a pet, so she likes the Black Cat.

Kerry took out the Black Cat's pendant and wiped the dust off it. The Black Cat slipped out happily.

But at this moment Kerry noticed that something was wrong.

The magic power of the Black Cat became thicker! Not only the magic particles on his body, but also the state of the black cat changed.

Originally, the Black Cat Sheriff exuded a strong smell of corruption. That was the soul. When it reached the final age, the smell it exuded was like an old man's body inevitably full of old smell.

But now Kerry found that the Black Cat Sheriff became younger! According to the current state, Ms. Black Cat Sheriff can survive for at least another 30 years!

This change aroused great interest in Kerry's heart. Can the super-concentrated magic power still work on ghosts? Can it make the soul directly stronger?

""Perhaps this is a good research direction!" Kerry muttered to himself,"If we follow this theory, then the people who benefited the most from the battle last night were not Filch but the ghosts living in Hogworth!"

【Hermione! When I was fighting Voldemort at about 12 o'clock last night, did you feel any changes in your body? Kerry asked Hermione in his heart.

【Let me think about it……】Hermione's question was a bit strange.

【For example, the strength of your soul or your vitality? Kerry explained

【If you say that, it seems that there is a little change! Hermione replied:"My vision seems to have become clearer? But I didn't pay much attention to it before. I just remember that I was like a nearsighted person, and I couldn't see anything a little further away. Now I can see a little further.

Kerry was thoughtful - high concentration of magic power can actually strengthen the soul. At this moment, Kerry suddenly thought - if high concentration of magic power can strengthen the soul, does it mean that the soul can become stronger by some means?

If this inference continues, Kerry instantly understood why Voldemort suddenly came to the school. That's because he found the source of strengthening the soul and completed his soul that was cut into 7 pieces.

He even had the energy to continue cutting - the Voldemort that Kerry killed last night, Kerry noticed that it was just an incomplete soul.

If I guessed correctly, it was a new soul fragment that Voldemort projected in the past month.

Kerry frowned instantly - if that's the case, there will be 1 and 2, and Voldemort's revenge will come continuously.

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