Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 154 [Hogwarts Defense System]

After studying the soul for a period of time, Kerry made great gains. He found a way to extend the life of the soul and tested it on Ms. Cat. As a result, Ms. Cat's soul became young again. Now Ms. Cat's soul has a natural lifespan of at least 50 years.

Now Kerry finally understands the working principle of the Philosopher's Stone.

In a sense, he has finally caught up with the results of Nick Flamel six hundred years ago.

Kerry has been thinking about Voldemort during this period.

His conclusion is that in order to guard against Voldemort, the school must be militarized - at least part of the facilities must be militarized.

He carefully drew the contour map of Hogwarts.

This map, which looks like a big bed, is one million times more detailed than the Marauder's Map.

The disadvantage is that this map is dead and does not show characters on it. Obviously, Kerry has not mastered such a profound spell.

Kerry studied thousands of plans around the map, and finally he determined that the best solution is the"magic circle mode\"

Draw some hidden magic circles in some corners that are not easy to detect, so that these magic circles are mapped to each other, and finally become something similar to the"infrared anti-theft system", which is the kind of cool stuff people often see in movies.

The passive trigger mode is safe and reliable, and there is no danger or panic even if there is a false alarm.

Unfortunately, when he took the map to find Dumbledore, Dumbledore sternly rejected him.

\"We can't turn the school into a weapon of war!"This was the reason given by Dumbledore. Professor McGonagall was also against it. Only Snape supported Kerry, but he could not do it alone.

Kerry then found Professors Flitwick and Sprout, but both of them were neutral. However, they agreed with Kerry's idea.

The matter was shelved, but Kerry was unwilling to give up. Since no one supported him, he decided to start with the Forbidden Forest and deal with it himself. As for places like castles, let the old bee worry about it himself.

So he organized the centaurs to start carving the formation...

Kerry gave the centaurs money twice this year. Once when the centaurs killed the basilisk, Kerry gave them a full 20,000 gold galleons. The second time was to let them shock the entire Forbidden Forest, and gave them another 5,000 gold galleons.

Based on this money, the centaurs were very willing to cooperate with Kerry to complete the work.

The materials for the magic circle are all magic powders, some of which Kerry can do by himself. Most of the refining had to be purchased from outside, and Collins played a huge role in this.

Collins has been organizing and building the [Arcane Association Headquarters] recently, which has kept him busy. Fortunately, several reliable wizards have come to the Arcane Association, and the growing team has also brought a lot of new things, which has brought a lot of changes to this lonely association.

With Collins' external cooperation, the raw materials were quickly prepared. Ginny and Luna were helping Kerry draw magic circles in the Forbidden Forest.

This work has lasted for two weeks.

Both of them will participate in it in their spare time.

The progress is very fast.

Because the Forbidden Forest itself is not a densely populated place, the number of magic circles is relatively small.

Of course, this"fewer" is also relative.

In fact, the absolute number is more than five hundred.

The sun was about to set on this day, and the day's drawing work was about to end.

Ginny was drawing a pattern.

At this time, she suddenly noticed something unusual.

\"Kerry, come here!" Ginny shouted:"There's a problem!"

Kerry and Luna hurried over, and even the Centaur warriors came over.

Kerry saw the problem at a glance. Normal magic circles should be filled with magic at this time, which will make them look like they are emitting a light red fluorescence, but this magic circle actually emits green light!

Kerry used his perspective eyes to look at the magic circle. The magic flowed as usual. It can be said that the quality of this magic circle is quite high, and Ginny's magic circle drawing technology is quite advanced.

If the problem does not appear in the magic circle, then what is the reason for the color change?

\"A deeper reason! Kerry judged sharply that the problem was in the soil!

But Kerry's perspective eyes could only penetrate a few centimeters of soil and could not see any abnormalities.

He then decisively dug the ground with his hands, and the magic circle was damaged. Ginny and Luna looked at each other and helped to dig.

Sure enough! In Kerry's perspective eyes, the soil below was not right at all, emitting a strange green light.

Normal people can't see anything abnormal with their naked eyes, but Kerry's perspective eyes can see that these soils have been"polluted" by magic, and the luster of magic elements is dissipating around. This shows that they have been immersed in magic for a long time! It only took a few minutes for a stone to appear in front of several people.

Kerry frowned and turned around. There were several regular small holes on the side of the stone.

\"What a powerful magic!"Kerry seemed a little shocked. Magic was constantly projected from these small holes. Although it was not high, it was equivalent to someone casting some small spells at all times, such as the levitation spell or the repair spell.

Ginny and Luna also felt the magic. They were puzzled. How could they dig out treasures?

The stone was very big, weighing at least four or five tons.

But for Kerry, this was nothing. When he pulled the stone out of the ground, even he was shocked. The lower half of the stone was densely engraved with an extremely complex magic circle!

\"Merlin!"Luna and Ginny shouted almost at the same time.

Kerry didn't leave the Forbidden Forest that night. He studied the stone all night.

When Luna and Ginny came the next day, Kerry looked very embarrassed.

How to say it, it was as embarrassing as if he had written the wrong page in his homework...

Kerry threw the stone back into the pit.

\"What is that? Have you figured out anything?"Ginny asked. Kerry looked embarrassed:"Have you ever heard of that saying? Geniuses always meet unexpectedly on the road of exploration.……\"

Luna and Ginny were confused. What did that mean? Fortunately, Luna's mind worked faster. She looked at the stone and said,"Could it be that this is a defense system drawn by a former student?"

Ginny was also stunned when she heard this... What?

\"almost……\"At this moment, Kerry finally understood why Dumbledore tried to stop him.

The stone in front of him was simply an all-purpose defense system. This stone integrated the functions of monitoring, warning, communication, attack, and defense. If Kerry's magic circle was just an alarm, then this thing was a patrol robot...

If Kerry guessed correctly, this thing could also achieve 360-degree image transmission without blind spots.

The key point was that according to the direction of this stone, Kerry found similar things in five or six other places, some of which were stones and some were trees. This thing formed a complete set of"defense system"\"

When Kerry thought of this, he immediately thought of the old bee... Dumbledore must have been laughing in the office at the three of them.

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