Hogwarts Superboy - Chapter 155 [The Fourth Child]

Kerry finally spent a few more days to complete his defensive magic circle.

On the day he finished it, he found Dumbledore, and the old bee was sitting behind his desk with a smile.

""Damn it! Why didn't you tell me? I've wasted so much work!

Besides, since Hogwarts has a defense system, why can't it prevent Voldemort's invasion?" Kerry had a complaining expression.

Dumbledore motioned him to be patient and handed Kerry a cup of coffee. Now that Kerry was over 1.85 meters tall, Dumbledore had to look Kerry in the eye.

"In fact, you may guess the reason why I did not stop Voldemort... Children need exercise, and I can't protect them too well."Dumbledore explained

"As for what you want to know, they are here……"Dumbledore pointed to a book on the bookshelf and said,"You can take it and read it carefully. Maybe you will get something unexpected!"

Kerry took the book from the bookshelf, but did not leave.���They chatted like old friends.

Thanks to Kerry's"Superman Big Data Management", Kerry could reply to whatever Dumbledore said.

The two talked about many things, such as the Minister of Magic, the knowledge and conditions of other worlds, and finally talked about the four children.

"To be honest, I can guess where three of the kids came from, but I have no idea about the fourth.……"Kerry asked cautiously. He had to be cautious because this might involve some deep secrets of Dumbledore.

"Then tell me, what are the origins of the first three children?" Dumbledore looked at Chris meaningfully.

"The first child, Lisa Evans, was cloned from Harry's mother, and her soul was mixed with some things Professor Snape extracted from the past. To be honest, I don't agree with this, but Professor Snape has his own ideas."Kerry said quietly:"I have seen this child before, her eyes are exactly like Harry's!"

Dumbledore seemed to recall the story in his eyes, and signaled Kerry to continue

"The second child, Severin Snape, was cloned by Snape using his own genes. Professor Snape gave part of his memory to the child. Severin actually came from Severus. This was his self-replica. If I am not mistaken, he did not want to copy a Lily, but wanted to take a gamble or was not convinced. Maybe Severin would marry Lisa, or maybe not.

Professor Snape did not believe that it was inevitable that he would lose Lily. He wanted to verify his failure again.……"Kerry said bluntly:"Professor Snape still does not realize the real reason for his failure."

"What do you think it is?" Dumbledore asked

"A gift from heaven is better than a green plum. This is the natural selection of history! No one can violate this rule!"Kerry said:"Love is actually a protein in the body that is causing trouble, and for a person who is too familiar, the brain cannot produce more stimulation.……"

"That makes sense! Then I want to ask, can you and Hermione say the same thing? In the future, there will be a woman who will defeat Hermione? Become your wife! That's what you call a 'gift from heaven'.'?"Dumbledore asked playfully.

"I used to be able to say with confidence that Hermione and I would end up together, but now I'm a little less sure.……"Kerry thought for a moment and said,"But no matter what, the possibility between us is at least not zero.%!"

"Why?" Dumbledore also showed great interest.

"Because marriage is not just about two people, it is about two families getting to know each other."Kerry explained:"Hermione and I get along very well. If there were only two of us in this world, I'm sure we would be able to go to the end... But Hermione's parents and my parents are completely different. Their living habits, views and opinions are different from mine. Conflicts often come from these subtle differences."

"That makes sense!" Dumbledore seemed to be deeply touched. He added:"Environment is the catalyst of life. I have had similar experiences before. Although I figured it out later, it's a pity that the times have changed.……"

Kerry continued:"Well, let's get back to the kids!"

"The third one?" Dumbledore continued to ask

"You shouldn't ask me about the third child, because it is a clone of your sister. Maybe you should recall your childhood and see if you can give this little baby more support!" Kerry said

"To be honest, I even forgot what my sister looked like. Only when I saw those paintings or photos could I recall her face."Dumbledore sighed:"I don't know whether it is right or wrong for me to resurrect my sister, but since she has been born, I have no right to interfere with her life and death."

"At least it will ensure that the Dumbledore family has a successor, right?" Kerry said.

"It seems that you know me better than I do myself!" Dumbledore said with a little surprise.

"The fourth child, I still don't know who he is... I secretly had someone analyze your and the child's genes, but it seems that he is only related to you, so I can't guess who he is... Is it your father? Or one of your unknown brothers?" Kerry asked.

"I was surprised that you knew so much. His name is Angus, and his full name is Angus Dumbledore Grindelwald."

Boom... It was as if a bomb exploded in Kerry's heart. He was stunned and his eyeballs were about to fall to the ground. Kerry had made various guesses before, but he could not connect this name with the baby anyway. He looked at Dumbledore in disbelief, thinking he was hallucinating!

"Angus Dumbledore Grindelwald?"Kerry repeated the name.

Dumbledore showed a mysterious smile and looked at Kerry. This look made Kerry's scalp tingle.

What does this show? This shows that this child is not a simple clone. He is an artificial baby composed of the genes of Grindelwald and Dumbledore.

My God! Kerry felt that his outlook on life, world view and values had suffered multiple challenges.

First of all, two men. Getting together is of course not too rare.

Later, both of them became one of the top wizards in the world.

Then they actually used cloning technology to give birth to a child.

This is simply a triple thunder.

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