Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 156 [Realistic version of a boy giving birth to a child]

When Kerry heard Dumbledore's explanation, a flash of lightning struck his brain.

A word flashed through his mind: [Boy giving birth to a child/BL text]. Fortunately, the protagonist of this book is not Dumbledore, otherwise even the kryptonian dog eyes would be blind.

Angus - male, born on a certain day in October 1992, his father Dumbledore and his father Grindelwald, a powerful fighting force formed by the DNA of two men mixed with some time and space pets.

Although Kerry wanted to complain, this was their private matter after all, so Kerry twisted his mouth, shrugged his shoulders, and didn't say much.

Dumbledore and Grindelwald were said to be homosexual partners when they were young, and later parted ways because of Dumbledore's sister. In the end, although the first generation of the devil lost to Dumbledore, but - Kerry could be sure that the two actually maintained a good secret relationship...

Thinking of it later, Dumbledore and Grindelwald were both done by Voldemort in a short period of time.���Kerry judged without hesitation - these two were faking their deaths!

How could the first great devil die so easily? How could the greatest white wizard since the Middle Ages die so easily? So - these two must have lived together forever!

When Kerry walked back from Dumbledore's house, he still couldn't contain his curiosity. He guessed that the fourth child must be in the Nurmengard Wizard Prison, where Grindelwald was detained. I really want to take some time to go and see! See what Gellert looks like as a nanny, and see who the child looks more like.……


In the Muggle world, Kerry's father was busy running around, and the housekeeper was helping him. Baby Ellie was taken care of by the nanny.

Kerry's father was looking for a suitable hospital location in London - he was going to invest at least 500 million pounds to build a new hospital. This would take at least two to three years to build, and at least five to six years to train and dig up doctors.

Yes, this was another task Kerry gave to his father - this hospital would be given to Hermione's parents!

Kerry's initial goal was to combine the Institute of Biology and the hospital to form a virtuous circle. Kerry even thought of starting some effective cooperation with a country in the East - such as the Union Medical College, which would definitely be happy to cooperate with a London hospital.

After this period of frequent correspondence between Kerry and his father, the location of the hospital was determined to be in the suburbs of southern London. It cost more than 50 million pounds to buy the land alone. When things were finally done, the Easter holiday had quietly arrived.

Kerry received an extremely long letter, which detailed the location, planning, and construction company of the hospital, as well as the detailed time nodes of the countdown method.

Kerry read it carefully and felt that there were no major problems. He only responded to a few minor issues and then continued his vacation.

Not long after, Collins wrote a letter, hoping that Kerry could find an opportunity to come to the headquarters of the Arcane Association because the dragon had been restless again recently. It always stood on the top of the mountain and roared, because there was an abandoned mining area over there and there were no people at all.

Kerry thought about it and took advantage of the time when no one was around that night to quietly fly out of Hogwarts.

Kerry is now 13 years old, and his superhuman blood has been greatly awakened compared to two years ago.

Kerry's one-handed pulling force has officially exceeded 400 tons, and the two-handed pulling force is even close to 1,000 tons!

The depth of the perspective eye has reached the penetration depth of weaker X-rays; in addition, no one dares to open the lid of things including super memory.

In addition, Kerry's skin can no longer be damaged by conventional weapons, and only large-yield nuclear weapons can kill Kerry.

After that, his flying speed increased again by a large margin compared to before, reaching a speed of at least 80 yards, which has exceeded the speed of most roads and is the same as some old highways.

Last time, it took Kerry six or seven hours to reach the Arcane Association, but now-Kerry only needs four hours.

As soon as he arrived at the location of the Arcane Research Institute, Kerry saw the dragon raised by Hagrid, the Norwegian Ridgeback, from a distance: Norbert!

It stood on the ridge of a mountain and roared at the sky!

Kerry heard the meaning of the roar: [I have grown up! Come and accept my challenge!]

As expected, dragons are all beasts, even if they have wisdom similar to that of humans-their rules are very simple. If you are stronger than me, then I will obey you. If you are not as good as me, then you should listen to me honestly!

Kerry rushed directly from the sky and shot silently at the waist of the Spinosaurus...

The Spinosaurus was roaring at the sky, and suddenly, a huge force pushed her waist from the side, and the Spinosaurus immediately fell from the ridge. The heavy body fell towards the valley, but within two seconds, Norbert flapped his wings and flew over.

At this time, the Spinosaurus really saw Kerry. She roared, as if accusing Kerry of the sudden attack, but Kerry did not indulge her.

She swung her fist again and rushed towards the head of the Spinosaurus. In just the first second, the Spinosaurus lost consciousness... Once again - the Spinosaurus woke up, but she opened her eyes and found herself still in the air.

She panicked, and before the next second came, Kerry aimed at the dragon's heartbeat again.

This lasted for a full twenty minutes, until Kerry finally had the time to use her fists and feet. After a few hits, the huge Spinosaurus fell down.

Kerry then hugged the Spinosaurus and returned to her residence. By the way: Apart from Hogwarts, this Arcane Society must be the safest place in the world.


At the same time, in the extremely distant Nurmengard, the cry of a baby boy appeared in the empty castle.

An elderly handsome man shook his hair and hugged the baby tighter.

"How come this child won't drink any milk?"The old handsome guy's current look is simply unbearable.���It was very heavy taste - he was wearing a pink robe, holding a bottle of baby milk powder, and was feeding the child milk.

The old man put down the bottle and said to himself:"Why did Albus, this old guy, suddenly want to raise a child? He once said that it was because he met a guy who might be the savior, and something about this guy changed him.……"

"Angus, I hope you can ask him in person what has changed about that old guy!" The old man raised the bottle again and tried to feed him milk.

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