Little Superman at Hogwarts - Chapter 178 [Superman fever and school starts]

Before Kerry started school, many people in London claimed to have seen Superman with their own eyes. Some guys even claimed to be Superman.

Kerry even saw several different versions of Superman on TV.

The reporters on the TV station were very interesting. They knew that these people were fakes, but they still pushed them on TV and just treated them as a joke. For a while, the TV ratings actually rose.

This summer vacation was a happy summer vacation.

Ginny completely forgot that she actually ran away from home. She completely forgot about her family.

But Harry Potter knew about Ginny's news on Kerry's side, and Harry should take the initiative to tell Ron some of what happened to them.

So if nothing unexpected happened, the Weasley family actually knew about Ginny's movements at the first time.

But the Weasley couple didn't seem to care. They went out to travel with the whole family.

And just by chance, their travel destination was in Egypt.

Kerry felt that there must be some kind of will interfering in this world. Otherwise, it would never happen. Such an absurd thing would have happened. In the past two years, Kerry had done too many things to produce a butterfly effect, or even something more dramatic than a butterfly effect.

But now, two years later, in the summer vacation of Corey's second year, they still won the lottery and went to Egypt.

The only difference from the original book is that Ginny didn't go.……


Kerry always thought that the butterfly effect of his cave was too small. In fact, the corners that Kerry did not pay attention to were already very different from the original.

For example, Snape...

In the original book, Snape seemed so despicable, shameless, and full of evil. Even if he was whitewashed in the last two books, readers still cannot correct this deep impression. They will feel awkward or even uncomfortable.

Now with the birth of two babies, Snape, the old virgin, has become a qualified dad.

You know, in the entire Hogwarts, Snape's status is second only to Professor McGonagall, ranking third.

At the end of the summer vacation, two long-lost letters suddenly appeared in Snape's house.

"Dear Lisa Evans:……"

This is the admission letter to Hogwarts!

There were two letters with almost identical contents in Snape's hand. The recipients were Lisa Evans and Severin Snape respectively.

Snape looked at the two letters, and an unusual smile suddenly appeared in the corner of his eyes.

It was like a farmer who had worked hard for a year and finally harvested a lot of millet in the fall.

Obviously, although Snape's smile was not a real footprint, it had almost the same meaning as this footprint.

Snape looked at the two little boys and girls who were about 10 years old under his feet. He suddenly understood why some people like to have children. It's their natural nature!

After being forced to grow up, these two children completed a growth time that normally takes 10 years to complete within one year.


In addition to Snape, walking in a distant place, an old man with a full beard quietly looked at a baby in front of him.

Although this beard is not like Dumbledore's beard at all, it is extremely sparse and low in density.

This is the famous criminal Grindelwald who was famous all over the world at that time.

Grindelwald is now an unqualified father.

He often went to Dumbledore with the child, so that Dumbledore now had to leave the office and work in a separate place.


When the summer vacation was almost over, Kerry recalled the past events. He packed Hermione and Ginny's luggage carefully. He put

25,000 gold coins in each person's suitcase.

Then he sent Hermione back to her hometown in London and sent Ginny back to the Burrow.

To be honest, when Ginny returned to the Weasley family, the Weasleys were still very surprised.

But soon, when they saw a large pile of gold coins in Ginny's suitcase, they also had a headache.

In the eyes of the Weasleys, these terrible gold coins were used to buy their daughter.

During this summer vacation, the hospital led by Dr. Granger has completed 1/3 of the construction. The hospital is very large. But because it is an empty land, it is built very quickly.

Sometimes Mrs. Granger will come to take a look. When they see the scale of the hospital and the equity authorization letter in their hands, they feel like they are dreaming.

They received 30% of the hospital's shares, and each person received 15%. You should know that this investment in the hospital is enough to make each of them millionaires.

So as for Hermione and Kerry's matter, the couple suddenly seemed to be bribed and never mentioned it again.

Maybe they felt sorry for Hermione, or maybe seeing so much money, they even had a strange idea in their hearts.——"If I can sell my daughter for such a high price, it seems to be worth it!"

The Grangers' attitude towards Kerry has changed subtly.

But no matter what, this summer vacation passed quickly.

When the autumn leaves began to turn yellow and the temperature began to drop slightly, the wizard students of Hogwarts began their journey back to school.

Until this time, these students still didn't know what they would face in the next semester.


In a corner of the Forbidden Forest... an old dog who always looks very old is lying quietly in the corner, waiting for the returning young wizards.

This is Sirius Blair, Harry Potter's godfather.

To be honest, this is quite different from the original book. In the original book, the old dog stayed in Diagon Alley, watching Harry quietly, and would follow Harry quietly when he returned to school.

But because Harry was not driven out by his aunt and uncle this year, Harry Potter had a pretty good summer vacation.

In other words, he did not live in the Leaky Cauldron for half a summer vacation and spend the rest of his life there. He also suddenly remembered to buy something a few days before school started.

The old dog quietly waited for Harry Potter to go to Hogwarts.

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