Hogwarts Superman - Chapter 179 [Minister Fudge]

Kerry received a new notice for the start of school one day in late August.

"Dear Mr. Porfeman, Please note that the new term begins on September 1st. The Hogwarts Express will depart from Platform 9¾ of King's Cross Station at 11 o'clock. Third year students are allowed to visit Hogsmeade on certain weekends. Please give the enclosed permission form to your parent or guardian for signature.

…………"The second half of the letter is a list of books and a private letter from Professor McGonagall to Kerry.

In the letter, Professor McGonagall mainly talked about two things. One is that Kerry responded very well to the age class, so she hoped that Kerry would be inclined to a career in education in the future. The second is that Professor McGonagall hopes that Kerry can be careful of a fugitive - the fugitive is Sirius Black.

Professor McGonagall's meaning is very simple - Sirius is a Death Eater, and Kerry has just killed Voldemort several times in the last school year.

So Professor McGonagall suspected, or even almost 100% certain, that the fugitive would find a way to find Kerry.


At almost the same time, Harry Potter also waited for the start of the new school year. He was going to go shopping in Diagon Alley the next day.

In the original book, there was a difficult and annoying relative who visited, and during the quarrel, Harry blew the relative into a big balloon. However, in reality, this scene did not happen. Although Aunt Marge visited, Uncle Vernon took her to the hotel, so Harry did not have a conflict with her.——This was still Kerry's influence at work.

Everything went well during the summer vacation, but on this summer night, there was a knock on Aunt Petunia's door.

Three men in wizard robes knocked on the door. Uncle Vernon opened the door and saw the three wizards. He was frightened and took three or four steps back.

A few seconds later, he yelled to drive the men out.

But he didn't realize that the one who came was a tough guy: Cornelius Fudge.

Facing Voldemort, he was a softie, but facing ordinary Muggles was exactly his forte.

Fudge waved his hand, and the two wizards behind him cast a few spells to freeze Aunt Petunia's family.

He walked up the stairs, calling Harry's name as he walked:"Mr. Potter! I know you are here! Please respond to me!"

Harry was looking at the book list. He heard the voice and looked down the stairs carefully, and his eyes met with Minister Fudge's.

"Hello! I am Harry Potter, but I am sorry, I don't know you!"Harry explained and walked downstairs

"I think we can go upstairs and have a chat, and you two can handle these stupid Muggles according to the procedure."Fudge's face was obviously very ugly, and his tone was emotional.

The two stood face to face in Harry's small attic. Harry was a little confused. He held the wand in his hand very carefully, and the wand was hidden in his trouser pocket.

"Sit down, Harry."Fudge sat on Harry's bed, pointed at Harry's little chair and said,"I'm sorry I didn't tell you in advance, but things are a bit tricky, so I have to come in person." Harry sat down. Although it was summer, he didn't know why he felt goose bumps on his arms when he sat with this stranger.

The man took off his striped cloak and threw it aside, pulled up his dark green suit pants, and sat opposite Harry.

"Harry, I'm Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic."Fudge introduced himself.

"It's a pleasure to meet you!" Harry Potter wanted to shake his hand, but Minister Fudge was obviously not interested. He waved Harry to sit down. Then Fudge took out a newspaper from his pocket and motioned Harry to read it.

Harry held the newspaper up to the candlelight and read: [Black is still at large】

"The Ministry of Magic confirmed today that Sirius Black, arguably the most evil prisoner ever held in Azkaban, remains at large.……"

This long and eloquent article actually talks about two things at its core. First, Sirius was not caught; second, the Ministry of Magic will definitely successfully capture the fugitive under the leadership of the great, wise and correct Minister Fudge!

In the middle is a huge photo. He is laughing wantonly in the photo, and there seems to be a terrifying breath coming from his movements and stillness.

Harry looked into Sirius Black's gloomy eyes, which seemed to be the only lively part of his haggard face. Harry had never met a vampire, but he had seen photos of vampires in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Black's skin was white and he looked like a vampire.

"He killed thirteen people?" said Harry, folding the paper so that only the picture was visible."With just one spell?"

"That's right," said Fudge,"in broad daylight, in front of everyone. But that was many years ago.

This time he went even further, he killed his fellow Death Eaters who were also imprisoned in prison, and escaped from Azkaban easily!"

Harry also felt that this criminal was extremely terrifying, but he was a little confused. Why did Minister Fudge come here in the middle of the night to let me read this newspaper?

"I hope you can tell us his whereabouts as soon as possible if he appears in front of you!"Fudge made a request

"Um...of course no problem! But will this criminal come to me?" Harry was a little nervous

"For some reasons that I cannot explain now, we judge that this criminal will definitely find a way to find you! I will let two Aurors live next to your home until you return to Hogwarts." Fudge explained:"Don't worry! We won't disturb you!"

Harry was about to refuse, but Fudge gave Harry a glaring look, and Harry couldn't say it.

So in the last period of summer vacation, two inexplicable wizards lived around Aunt Petunia's house. They patrolled the surrounding environment from time to time, and sometimes set up some strange magic devices.


For Ginny, the last stage of summer vacation seemed a bit out of place.

Her brothers sometimes wanted to treat Ginny the same way as before, such as sometimes giving her strange nicknames or playing pranks on her, but Ginny is no longer the same as before. She easily saw through the pranks of the twin brothers several times, and a few small potions turned the twin brothers into two pigs.

From then on, Ginny's status in the family was greatly improved.

In the second half of the summer vacation, Ginny was still studying potions in depth, because spells could not be released at will. In this summer vacation with more than 20,000 gold galleons to squander, Ginny's progress in potions was comparable to the previous semester.

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