Superboy at Hogwarts - Chapter 189 [What Kerry fears most]

Superboy-Prime - is one of the super villains in the DC world. He first appeared in 1985 and came from Earth Prime, where most of the DC heroes are fictional.

When he was still a baby, he was teleported to Earth by his father Jor-El before Krypton was destroyed by its red sun turning into a supernova. Because a member of the Kryptonian Council broke into the room and forcibly occupied the equipment, his parents failed to escape in this way, and the whereabouts of the council member were unknown.

Later, he was found in the forest by Jerry and Naomi Kent. When they decided to adopt him, Naomi wanted to name him Clark. At first, Jerry didn't want him to have the same name as Superman, but he finally compromised.

So in Superman's parallel world, Superboy-Prime was born.

Kerry was very shocked. He really didn't understand why Hermione knew about Superboy-Prime.

"Merlin's beard, the thing Hermione fears most is actually Kerry!"Malfoy shouted.

Kerry and Hermione stared at Superboy-Prime motionlessly. The dark version of Superboy-Prime is the strongest state of Superboy-Prime. In this state, he is comparable to Golden Superman.

The whole class was in a daze, and at this moment Professor Lupin reminded:"What are you still in a daze about? Don't act yet!"

Hermione also came back to her senses, waved her wand and said to Superboy-Prime:"【Funny, funny!"

With the light released by the wand, Superboy-Prime suddenly turned into a"little Kerry" who was only one or two years old. The black tights on his body turned into a wide and extremely funny robe. The key: Superboy still had a milky white pacifier in his mouth! When he saw so many people, the baby version of Kerry burst into tears.

Along with the baby's cry, there was Kerry's helpless expression and the joyful laughter of Hermione and her classmates.

"Wonderful performance!"Professor Lupin, well, also laughed out loud

"Then, the second one will be yours, Kerry!" Professor Lupin also had a bad taste.

Hermione took a few steps back and glanced at Kerry, her face full of smiles.

Kerry walked forward helplessly, facing the Boggart. When the Boggart saw Kerry closest to him, suddenly the Boggart seemed to be stunned.

He kept switching back and forth between various images, sometimes it was a dollar, sometimes it was an inexplicable table, and sometimes it was just a blank photo frame.

He switched like this for dozens of seconds, and Kerry was also confused. Just when Professor Lupin wanted to intervene, the Boggart suddenly turned into a stone...

Kerry immediately shuddered greatly!

This Boggart is too magical. That stone is nothing else, it is the thing that Superman fears the most-Kryptonite! A stone shining with a green glow!

A very huge piece, as tall as a person. In this dim teacher's lounge, this stone is shining, and it looks so weird and scary.

"Fortunately, it's just a fake stone!" Kerry muttered, and picked up the wand:"Funny!"

A flash of light came out from the end of Hercules' wand and shot at the huge kryptonite.

The kryptonite suddenly lost its luster, the color became darker, and then fell down and turned into a sticky substance similar to asphalt. When this pile of things fell to the ground, everyone finally saw it clearly-accompanied by a suffocating stench

"Is this cow dung?" Hermione asked, covering her mouth.

"How can a cow produce so much feces? Of course it is elephant feces!"Kerry explained easily:"Sun Yue is the most knowledgeable about this!"

Professor Lupin's face turned a little ugly, because these two people were really troublesome. He never thought that Kerry would turn the Boggart into a pile of cow dung.

"Okay, please leave! Mr. Feynman, if you don't leave, I think this office will be unusable soon! Professor Lupin quickly drove him away


A lot of people came one after another.

For example, Neville was still afraid of Snape, and he didn't change because of Snape's change.

This time Snape turned into Neville's grandmother again. Wearing an extremely funny old-age nightgown and holding an ugly package, she looked like an old lady in her eighties or nineties.

Behind him was Ron, and he was still afraid of big spiders. But this time the spider he was afraid of was an eight-eyed spider. The eight-eyed spider, as big as a van, appeared in front of all the teachers and classmates. The scene was really terrifying.

But there was still a little accident. When it was Malfoy's turn, the Boggart turned into Kerry again.

Kerry was speechless for a moment. Hermione was afraid of herself because she seemed to have received some information and had a specific meaning.

Am I, a third-grade wizard, so scary?

Malfoy almost forced himself to hold back the desire to beat Rick up, and then pointed his wand at the Boggart that had turned into Kerry and said,"Funny!"

With the sound of the spell,"Kerry" suddenly lost his clothes.

Kerry, who was only wearing a pair of briefs, ran wildly throughout the classroom while covering his lower body.

Kerry felt very speechless. He really wanted to go down next Monday to expose all the dirt on Malfoy.

Kerry, who was only wearing briefs, originally had a lot of things on the first floor of the basement, but after Malfoy mixed them up, they all became inappropriate.

Malfoy calmed down instead, and he pointed his wand at Kerry who was rushing over.

Then:"【Funny Funny】" This ridiculous spell was released from Malfoy's mouth again.

Suddenly, the already funny"Kerry" turned into a hairy monster again.

Its face could no longer be seen clearly, and it turned into a huge black ape head. Its hair was as long as a pillow. Kerry really wanted to peel off Malfoy's head to see what was inside.

With Kerry turning into a chimpanzee. This class has basically come to an end and can be declared over.

"I have seen many Boggarts, but none of them impressed me so deeply!"At the end of the get out of class, the werewolf Professor Lupin said meaningfully to Kerry and Hermione.

"If you like it, you can give me some extra points, no matter how much, I won't mind it!"Kerry explained.

Professor Lupin thought about it and felt that Kerry's sacrifice in this class was too great. So he raised his wand and said:"For Mr. Kerry's fearless sacrifice in this class, I will add another seven points to Gryffindor College."

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