Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 190 [The Memory of God Hermione]

Soon, this Defense Against the Dark Arts class ended with the joy of the classmates. Except for Kerry, everyone else felt that it was a bit unsatisfying.

Only Kerry felt speechless - the thing that Hermione and Malfoy feared the most was actually themselves or their"parallel selves".

After class, Hermione disappeared in an instant. He had to use the time converter to study senior courses.

These were supposed to be what she did last semester, but because she turned into a stone last semester, which lasted almost the entire school year, it was delayed.

Kerry returned to the 9527 training ground and waited for Hermione to return.

At this time, Ginny and Luna had been studying there for an afternoon. They had no class this afternoon.

At this time, Ginny and Luna already knew what happened in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. When they saw Kerry, they immediately laughed and fell forward.

Anyway, Hermione was not there, so Ginny naturally curled herself up in Kerry's arms and put her petite body on his thighs.

"Why don't you tell us what happened this afternoon? Do you know the little story of the first grade?" Before Kerry could reply, Ginny teased,"They all said that you are actually bisexual. Hermione and I are both your girlfriends, and the most important thing is: Malfoy is your boyfriend! Hahahaha……"

Kerry's face was dark...

Actually, he had heard several people whispering about this matter on the road just now. Superman's hearing was not just talk.

He could even hear the real instigator himself - two witches in the senior year, who were loyal fans of rotten literature and lesbians themselves, so under their fabrication, it became a love quadrangle - Kerry, Hermione, Ginny, Malfoy.

Kerry really spent a lot of effort to restrain himself and not beat the two senior witches directly.

Of course, Kerry knew that this kind of thing was the kind that the more he explained, the darker it would be, so he automatically skipped Ginny's laughter and simply stated what happened in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Luna, the eccentric guy, picked up a pencil and drew a picture of Malfoy and Kerry holding hands. Kerry looked over and the laser beam burned the paper into ashes.

Ginny sat in Kerry's arms, facing Luna, but she didn't notice that her body twisted during the laughter. The delicate and exquisite girl's fragrance immediately made Kerry react.

Sin... Damn lolita!...Except for myself...Kerry cursed in his heart.

After a while, Kerry could only pinch Ginny's waist with both hands to stop Ginny's twisting. Ginny was still confused at this time. She didn't realize what she had done.

"Hermione is going to class now. Guess why this happened to her?" Kerry had to change the subject.

Hearing this, Ginny also became serious. She carefully recalled the possibilities. After a few minutes, Ginny's eyes suddenly lit up and said,"I think the problem may be in Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets!"

Kerry was instantly struck by lightning and said decisively,"It's the simulated world!"

Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets is divided into several layers. In the innermost layer, there is a simulated stone. That creation from another world can give you a world, allowing people's consciousness to spend a period of time like playing a game.

During that time, all the knowledge, abilities and spells you get will become part of what you have learned.

Kerry clearly remembered that Hermione stayed in there for a full 1,000 years! She has been there from the Middle Ages to the present era!

Kerry calculated in his heart: [In the simulated world, Hermione became a god! This means that she has the potential to become a real god! And what happened in the simulated world is actually an illusory game world. If this is the case, it is really possible that another superman will appear!】

【Isn't the Superman of that world me, but Superboy Prime? If so, he might really scare Hermione! He is a completely ruthless guy - cold-blooded, cruel, and violent!

Kerry felt that this guess made sense. If Hermione imagined herself as the predecessor of Superboy Prime in her heart, she would indeed have such concerns. If Kerry becomes a villain like Superboy Prime in the future, it is possible to destroy the entire universe, not to mention destroying the earth. Such a Kerry is indeed qualified to be the most feared character in Hermione's heart.

It didn't take long for Hermione to appear at the 9527 training ground.

At this time, Ginny was still nestled in Kerry's arms.

Hermione frowned when she saw this scene, and naturally squeezed Ginny to the side, so that one person occupied one side.

With his tall stature, Kerry easily held the two little girls in his arms, one on the left and one on the right.

A few people talked for a while, and Kerry brought up the topic again:"Hermione, why are you afraid of me? I don't think I'm as scary as you think.……"Kerry then told Ginny what she guessed.

Hermione pondered for a while, raised her head and first glanced at Ginny, then the two looked at each other, and Hermione said:"Of course I'm not afraid of Kerry! Although that person looks exactly like Kerry, I know it's not him! I think you guessed it, Kerry!"

Kerry and Hermione said almost at the same time:"Prime Little Superman!"

Hermione adjusted her head and lay comfortably on Kerry's left chest

"In Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets, after more than 70 years, I finally took that step and became a living goddess! In my memory, gods are actually powerful wizards, but they are far beyond the level of legendary wizards! In other words, their magic source is several levels higher than that of normal wizards. It is a conceptual improvement, a high-dimensional crushing!"

"I have been maintaining my life, not going to other worlds, nor ending the dream, because I know that in that world, Kerry will be more presumptuous, and I can take this opportunity to understand him better. Even if he is virtual!"

"But what I waited for was not Kerry who was sent to the American farm in 1981, but another person! Kerry's parents did not show up on time, and the alien baby who was sent to the farm was adopted by others and named Clark Kent.……"

"That was the beginning of a tragedy.……"

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