Superman's Ending Manual

Chapter 49 Uninvited Guests

On the night of June 20, the No. 7 Viaduct around Beijing.

This viaduct was officially abandoned a few years ago due to structural safety hazards.

The police set up a fence at the entrance and strictly prohibited vehicles from entering. The street lights that could be seen every 25 meters on the viaduct were dim at this time, and the only light source was the bright moon hanging in the night sky.

The deep moonlight shines down, and every street lamp has a cold luster, casting slender shadows on the empty road, like devils blowing cool air.

Above the empty and silent viaduct, as soon as the puppet got up from the bridge railing, he found that the surrounding ten-meter area was enveloped in a layer of red-gold flames, tightly fitting together, like a pig cage immersed in lava.

The doll stood on the bridge railing, looking around leisurely.

The air on the viaduct was heating up rapidly, and his thin body was twisting and swaying faintly in the white air rising from the road, like the weird human form in the painting "The Scream" created by the Norwegian writer Edvard Munch. It will be destroyed in the hot wind at any time.

"Samadhi True Fire?" Ke Mingye thought, "So this ability is also within the scope of Sun Wukong's path... This is really a lot of experience. I have never seen my sister use this trick on the dark web before. She It’s serious.”

Black Wukong stood in the moonlight with his feet on the crazy clouds, looking down at the puppet trapped in the Samadhi True Fire. His scarlet pupils did not contain any emotion, like a warden looking at the prisoners in the prison. .

She took out a mobile phone from the pocket of her metal coat, quickly typed in a memo, and then turned the screen towards the puppet.

It read: "You lied to me. I waited for you in that Western restaurant for a long time."

The doll raised its empty eyes and looked at her, tilted its head and said:

"I know you're angry, but can you please stop being so fierce?"

The cold eyes behind Black Wukong's mask seemed to have replaced the verbal response. She stretched out the long dark gold stick standing behind her and pointed the head of the stick at the doll's head.

Immediately afterwards, even the body of the stick was faintly filled with a layer of red-gold fire, like a torch used for execution.

"What is this, Samadhi True Fire? It seems that you are planning to roast me and eat me..."

As he said that, the puppet spread his hands: "If you make such a noise over the city, someone will come soon. I suggest you put out these annoying fires, and then let's have a good chat?"

Seeing that the other party didn't respond, it reached out and touched a handful of the Samadhi True Fire that was burning on the bridge railing. The entire left hand was instantly burned by the flames and nothing remained.

“Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot—!”

The puppet pretended to shout while swinging the severed arm, and stamped his right foot on the viaduct. Then the next second he regained his composure, raised his hands high, lowered his empty eyes, and faintly Stare at each other.

He said, "I'm lying to you. It's not hot at all. You can burn me to death. I allow you to do so..."

The puppet paused and said in a long tone: "But then you will never know the truth of the matter, and you will never know why I know your identity, and... your sister Bai Zini is the magical girl Ashes. thing.”

Upon hearing the name "Bai Zini", Black Wukong's pupils were instantly covered with red-gold flames, but that flash of fireworks was fleeting.

She squinted her eyes, still remaining calm, and a cold voice came from behind the mask: "Tell me, who are you?"

"Have you finally stopped typing on your cell phone?" The doll grinned, "That's just a cover-up, I know who you are."

"Stop talking nonsense and answer my question..."

Black Wukong said in a deep voice, and the fire on the viaduct burned even brighter.

"My name is Weird, I'm homeless, and I've just become disabled."

The puppet said, raising the missing arm and shaking it in front of Goku Black's eyes, "Look, I only have one hand left, and my whole life is ruined. It's all your fault." , Is this what a superhero should do?”

"This is not your body. You are just a doll, or a machine." Black Goku said coldly.

"Oh, you saw it." The puppet raised a non-existent brow and said, "Yes, it is precisely because of this that I came to see you unscrupulously."

"What exactly is your purpose?"

"I just want to be friends with you."

"Are you kidding?" Black Wukong asked almost word for word.

"No, I am very lonely, so I need friends."

The puppet raised a finger and said in a low tone: "Listen, I have a superpower. This superpower allows me to see clearly the identities of everyone in the world and the truth hidden behind them. So, in On the bus... I could tell at a glance that you were the 'Black Goku' on TV."

He paused and then asked: "Oh, by the way... When you usually appear on the stage, you always tie your right hand and golden cudgel with a chain. Why not this time?"

"Because I came prepared to kill you."

"Sure enough...then you usually wrap that chain around your hand just to remind yourself to stop in time and not to kill anyone, right?" the puppet asked.

"It seems you understand me quite well." Black Wukong's eyes were cold.

"Of course, I can see the anger in your eyes. The divine being is really a terrifying existence... Could it be that unconsciously, your humanity has been distorted by the so-called gods, and it has become like this... gloomy, Angry, weird, and from which day, you gradually find that you are no longer like yourself, you begin to be unable to control the anger in your heart, and you begin to fear that you will lose control, so...picked up the chain , tightly wrapped around his arm and the so-called golden hoop. "

The puppet said in a deep voice, staring blankly at the eyes behind Goku Black's mask. They looked at each other in the light of the fire.

He was silent for a moment and said: "It is so overestimating one's own abilities when one desires to obtain the power of God, only to have it backfired upon him, isn't it?"

Black Wukong took a deep breath and asked slowly: "How much do you know?"

Ke Mingye thought for half a second and started the classic nonsense and deception session.

"I think I know everything in this world."

The puppet turned its gaze to the brightly lit city with a gloomy expression and said, "But because of this, I am very lonely. Do you understand, I am so lonely that I almost want to kill myself. Knowing a lot is sometimes not a good thing, I often want to empty my mind, but I can’t. The information floods into my brain and strangles me.”

Black Wukong was silent for a moment: "So you approach me just for fun?"

"Of course, I will not attack your family, nor will I attack you, nor will I affect your family relationships, but..." the puppet said, "If you don't make friends with me, then I will Made friends with the bad guys."

He paused: "Maybe one day, they will suddenly ask me, 'Who is Black Wukong's true identity, do you know?', and then I will give your name, along with all your family members. "

The look behind Black Wukong's mask was sharp. She stepped on the surging clouds under her feet and came to the front of the doll. She raised the golden hoop and pressed it against its neck.

"You dare?" she said coldly.

"It's not that I don't dare, but I don't want long as you are willing to make friends with me."

The puppet covered its face with its hands, tilted its neck, and slowly lowered its face. Its voice was as low as a drowned dog.

"Listen, ma'am, I'm not a bad guy. It's just... I'm just so lonely that I can only use this way to get your attention."

Black Wukong was silent for a long time, moved closer to its face, and stared into its empty eyes.

"You are a monster..."

"Oh, I admit this, otherwise your sister wouldn't have called me 'weird thing'." The doll said sadly, with its head downcast.

"Wait, is this the name she gave you?" Black Wukong's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

"Yes, you can ask her." The doll said to himself, "It's a really good name, isn't it?"

At this moment, a mechanically magnetic joking voice suddenly came from behind the two of them, and suddenly sounded on the viaduct.

"You guys are having a great time. Can you let me join you? It's best to put out the fire first. This thing doesn't seem to welcome me."

Following the source of the sound, the two of them turned their heads at the same time. Through the swaying flame curtain, they could see a figure slowly walking from the other end of the viaduct, and the sound of stepping footsteps echoed on the silent viaduct.

Looking up, the uninvited guest was wearing a black swallowtail windbreaker and a sharp-edged mask on his face. A striking blood-red "V" is embedded in the middle of the mask, and the rest is covered by a layer of pitch black.

At this moment, his information was also transmitted into Ke Mingye's mind through the puppet's eyes.

[Character codename: Black Judge]

[Strength rating: A++ level]

There will be a chapter later.

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