Superman's Ending Manual

Chapter 50 The Number One Person

"Holy shit, brother? No, why is he here..."

The corners of Ke Mingye's eyes twitched fiercely. He thought in confusion and raised his eyes from his phone.

The first thing I saw was the wooden door leaf of my home. There was also a penguin hanging on the door hanging ring. Then I realized that I had been standing in front of my home and playing with my mobile phone for almost ten minutes.

During this period of time, he had been pretending to be playing with his cell phone, concentrating on controlling the trickster puppet to have a conversation with Bai Qiuwu on the viaduct.

He stayed in place for a full two seconds before his thoughts calmed down from the sluggish state.

While controlling the trickster puppet, Ke Mingye stretched out his sweaty hand and pressed the doorbell.

Soon, Bai Ziling opened the door for him.

She raised her red eyes and stared at him motionless: "It took you so long to go to the toilet?"

Ke Mingye ignored her question, took off his shoes, and glanced around the living room: "Didn't you say that eldest brother is back?"

"Big Brother said that he has something to do and will come back later." Bai Zini, who was sitting on the sofa playing with her mobile phone, said, "My parents have kept the food warm and are waiting for you two to come and eat it."

"Oh, my eldest brother always likes to fly pigeons, it's not surprising."

With that said, Ke Mingye took off his shoes, put on a pair of slippers, walked slowly through the entrance hall, and sat down at the kitchen table.

"It doesn't seem strange..." He picked up the chopsticks and put them in his mouth, thinking, "Is it because of the text message I sent to my sister that it was exposed? But I really had to do that at the time. This is considered Did you cheat my sister?"

Half an hour ago, Lao Jingmai Cafe.

Ke Yinzhi was sitting in a private room on the second floor of the cafe, holding a cup of coffee in his hand, looking down at the video of the incident collected by the Anomaly Control Bureau from the public - that is, about "the ten streaking people in front of the Yandai Cinema City" Man, and the weirdo who dropped the dice on the traffic light sign.”

Soon, he discovered that on the street in front of Yandai Cinema City, the gray human figure was flying above the traffic light sign on a spider silk. It was actually wearing a middle school uniform, which looked very inconsistent.

He looked at the school uniform in the picture and raised his eyebrows: "This uniform, I remember, seems to be the uniform of Huanjing No. 3 Middle School? That is... the high school where Akeno and Qiu Wu attend."

Ke Yinzhi pondered for a moment and asked the technical department of the Control Bureau for all of Bai Qiuwu's text message records and message records on social software in the past month.

He took a sip of coffee, put down the cup, and flipped through the information at a glance. The text message records from the previous month were all normal.

Not long after, he discovered that someone had sent an anonymous text message to Bai Qiuwu through a prank software, and the time was today.

——Anonymous user: Classmate Sun Wukong, guess what, is it possible that I am opposite the Yantai Cinema now?

——Anonymous user: The pasta in this western restaurant is really good, and the movie you are watching must be good too, but don’t forget our tryst on the viaduct tonight. Of course, if you are free now, we can meet you first.

——Bai Qiuwu: I'm at the western restaurant, where are you?

——Anonymous user: Got it, where will you wait for me?

"...Classmate Sun Wukong?"

Ke Yinzhi stared at the text on the phone, chanting the name in his heart, and soon thought of a character, that is a superhuman vigilante who has been active in China for three years-"The Divine Master Black Wukong" ".

He was deeply impressed by this person, because in the list of top-secret dangerous persons of the Anomaly Control Bureau, both "Black Wukong the Divine" and "Zeus the Divine" were listed, which meant that the Bureau had already targeted them. They are no longer the same person. They have one thing in common, they are all "spiritualists".

After years of research by the Anomaly Control Bureau, they determined that "the psychics will inevitably lose control after experiencing the sixth stage. This trend is unavoidable." As long as they are psychics, they will lose control sooner or later. They are too Powerful, to humans it is just a humanoid nuclear bomb that can explode at any time. Keeping them will pose a great threat to human civilization.

Therefore, they must be dealt with before they get out of control.

But Zeus is a superhero that shocks the world today, and is ranked No. 3 in the superhero roundtable. His reputation almost represents the "Super League Association", so the association naturally protects him.

Therefore, due to Zeus's identity, the Anomaly Control Bureau has not taken action against him, but is waiting for a suitable opportunity, an opportunity to tear him off the altar.

But the psychic "Black Wukong" is different. He does not have a strong background blessing like Zeus, so he is naturally ranked at the highest priority on the processing list.

In other words, there will be a day in the future when the Anomaly Control Bureau will launch an anomaly eradication operation against "Black Wukong the Divine" and even "Zeus the Divine".

As one of the five S-class executives of the Anomaly Control Bureau, Ke Yinzhi will of course participate in this operation.

At this moment, when he saw the word "Sun Wukong" here, a trace of disbelief naturally flashed across his eyes.

Ke Yinzhi lowered his eyes, moved his eyes across his lips with his index finger, and focused on the word "tryst on the viaduct".


He didn't need to search to know that currently only one of the viaducts around Beijing was in a state of disuse.

That is Viaduct No. 7.

The reason why this viaduct was abandoned was that there were problems with the safety structure, but in fact it was because a supernatural incident occurred there two years ago that has not been solved to this day.

Five superheroes died in that incident. The Abnormal Control Bureau accepted the investigation of this incident and finally suspected that it was the work of the super criminal "Watcher", but there was no evidence, so the operation of the No. 7 viaduct was temporarily closed. It has not been completely unsealed until today, and the incident is still under investigation.

"No. 7 viaduct..."

Ke Yinzhi got up from the table and walked down the circular stairs, with a deep light flowing in his pupils, "Let me see with my own eyes what my little Qiu Wu is doing."

Not long after, he changed into the executive uniform and came to the top of the No. 7 viaduct around Beijing in person.

And it was above the viaduct that his eyes saw through a blazing flame curtain and saw two figures surrounded by flames.

They looked at each other and said something.

The former is the "Dice Monster" who showed up on the Tobacco Street this afternoon, the one who blew down the traffic light pole for no reason;

The latter is the superhuman vigilante "Black Goku" who is famous all over the world and is also one of the top figures on the list of dangerous people with the highest confidentiality level of the Abnormal Control Bureau.

What can I say

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