"Do I have to pull the curtains? Then...then can I put on a swimsuit?"

After the curtain is drawn.

Hongyi directly blocked his nostrils...

It is really……

Amitabha, the white flowers kept dangling in front of me!

"Master, are you alright?" The young woman looked at the bloody tissue in front of her and said worriedly:

"This... Master, should I turn around?"

"Amitabha... the female benefactor, the poor monk is just unacceptable, and the internal fire is a little empty.

Besides, the poor monk has practiced Buddhism since he was a child, his six faculties are pure, and all the skins are just pink skeletons in the eyes of the poor monk..." Hong Yi touched his bald head and said solemnly.

I couldn't help touching my nostrils again, and felt a warm gust of warmth coming out again.

"Amitabha, female benefactor, you should turn around! Poor monk... a little dizzy..."

Young woman: "..."

Getting ready to turn around.

Suddenly, the monk in front of him stood up excitedly.

"Uh..." The young woman was a little surprised.

This handsome monk...

Is it to...

Hong Yi excitedly looked at a faint transparent figure behind the young woman.

The voyeur finally came out!

However, at the moment, the young woman was still unable to extricate herself in some **** pictures, and she didn't realize that there was a slender figure behind her.

Suddenly, the figure crooked out from behind the young woman's head.

A head of thick jet-black hair, a pale face, and turbid gray eyeballs stared at Hong Yi with interest.

"Master...This...I...Would you like to come and wash together?" At this time, the young woman saw Hong Yi walking straight towards her and stretched out her hands, her expression seemed impatient, and she couldn't help but whisper shyly.

Closing his eyes, he heard the feeling of clothes clinging to his skin from behind.

This monk is dead!

Why are you in such a hurry, you don't even take off your clothes.

"Master...you put your clothes..." After the young woman opened her eyes, she saw that Hongyi was still in front of her.


Behind that?

"Master, can't you?" The young woman finally realized that something was wrong, her face was even more ugly than crying, she turned her head stiffly, and looked back.

It's just that he just turned his face and met the ghost head stretched on his shoulder.

The peeping ghost stretched his neck, met the young woman's eyes, grinned, a black tongue that was forked like a snake letter protruded from the jagged fangs, and licked the young woman's face lightly.

"Ah..." The young woman shouted, her eyes rolled, and she collapsed to the ground.

"Moxie...Moxy!" The voyeur raised his gray-white eyes, a playful smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, he bypassed the young woman, and grabbed Hongyi's arm with one hand.

[Author's digression]: There are 2 rounds on the last day of today. Brothers, thank you for your tickets.Do more comments!Thanks crayons!

By the way, I recommend this new book "Clarification: I Don't Meant to Show Off My Rich", it's very interesting, and brothers who are interested can collect it and see it!

Chapter 96 Don't be afraid! (1 more)

Chapter [-] Don't be afraid!

Hong Yi looked at the scary ghost in front of him, a little troubled.

This courage is too small!

Youyou is stronger than you even with a little fear!

A big man sat on the sofa and kept swaying, even picking his hands!


Poor monk Buddha!

"Um... do you want to drink some hot water?" In order to ease the nervousness of the scary ghost, Hong Yi got up and gave him a cup of hot water.

The scary ghost took the hot water and drank it in one gulp. Who knows, the water began to swell outwards along the wound on his body.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Scary Ghost hurriedly stood up and kept wiping the water stains on the sofa, looking very flustered.

"Amitabha, the donor sits down... The poor monk asked you a question." Hong Yi greeted him and hurriedly sat down.

If the ink goes on, it will really be late, and it will be dawn.

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