The scary ghost was sitting upright on the sofa, motionless, like a pupil in class with his hands behind his back.

Hongyi: "..."

That's it!

Maybe this is the custom of the island country, everyone is so polite, even ghosts are no exception.

"Donor, the poor monk would like to ask, how do I get to the Tokyo Ghost Team?"

"Nani?" The scary ghost was a little confused.

Are you trying so hard to keep me just to ask for directions?

"The address of the Tokyo Paranormal Group is at XXXXXXXX, take a taxi and know the navigation!" The scary ghost said slowly.

Hongyi: "..."

What the hell!

How did the poor monk forget the navigation?

"Cough, second question!"

"Are all the ghosts of your island country as weak as you?" Hong Yi then asked.

The scary ghost instantly lowered his head, his face flushed.

Is this an insult in disguise?

"I'm weak...but..." Scary Ghost whispered:

"Our island country has powerful evil spirits! It has the ability to communicate with gods.

I once read a Chinese novel, in the words of the book.

The powerful evil spirits in our island country can overturn rivers and seas, fly sand and rocks, fly over clouds and drive fog, change seventy-two, and instantly change hundreds of thousands of miles..."

"Stop!" Hong Yi hurriedly stopped.

What does this say?

What a batch!

All the gods in your island country are monkeys?

Also seventy-two?


No culture is really wide and afraid!

"The next question, the poor monk wants to chat with a beautiful woman with a gaping mouth. I wonder if you can do anything?" Hong Yi decided not to continue with the previous question.

This special is almost an island country illiterate!

Look at the word used!

Spicy eyes.

The scary ghost heard Hong Yi's question and was surprised: "Kikoujiang is a very powerful evil spirit. You will definitely encounter danger when you look for her, and Kaikoujiang is very terrifying..."

Hong Yi frowned, lost in thought.

In the movie, the cracked girl is bullying elementary school students, female teachers, etc. at the school gate.

Could it be that after the psychic recovery, the strength of the gaping female has increased.

Not without this possibility.

"It doesn't matter, you tell the poor monk where to find the woman with a gaping mouth." Hong Yi said sternly.

Seeing that he looked solemn, the frightening ghost couldn't help but shuddered, and then he hurriedly said: "I have to ask..."

Saying that, he took out his phone from his body.

Under Hong Yi's confused eyes, he dialed the phone.

Are all the ghosts in this island country using the Apple 11?Or the dark night green of three cameras?so proud?

But who are you contacting?

Ghost friend?

After a few minutes, the call ended.

"Tomorrow night Rikou-chan will go to Shibuya Shopping Plaza, but the exact time is not very clear. We are only the lowest-level evil spirits, and we don't know the traces of those big people." The scary ghost put on his mobile phone and said.

The monk before the meeting had been staring at his mobile phone and was a little puzzled.

"The poor monk wants to ask, do ghosts in your island country have phone numbers? Can they still use mobile phones?" Hong Yi finally couldn't help but ask the question in his heart.


The scary ghost understood a little, took out his phone again, and handed it to Hong Yi.

Hong Yi reached out and took it, and found that the phone turned out to be a phantom, and he couldn't hold it at all.

It's kind of magical.

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