I couldn't help but call Lingyantong and take a look.

Evil Spirit Apple 11 (Dark Night Green) 128G: A unique item for evil spirits, no need to dial, you can dial directly if you know your name.


This is so much more popular than high-tech!

Can you call if you know your name?

"The poor monk would like to ask, can this thing not be used by humans?" Hong Yi still held a trace of fantasy.

Scary Ghost shook his head and said, "This, I don't know, I bought it from Sadako-sama!"

Hongyi: "..."


Isn't that the Sadako that Midnight Fierce Bell?

Are you starting a side business now?

Sell ​​the phone?

"Amitabha, Shanzai, who did you contact the donor just now? Is the news reliable?" Hong Yi then asked.

After the scary ghost heard it, he patted his chest and said: "Absolutely reliable, my good brother I contacted, the ghost, he has a wide range of contacts, and the information is absolutely reliable!"

Hong Yi nodded after listening.

you can!

It's scary!

The scary ghost looked out the window, it was about to dawn, a weak evil spirit like him couldn't touch the sunlight at all, otherwise, he would definitely be wiped out.

"That...if it's okay, I'll go back first...don't worry, I'll definitely change to another hotel." Scary Ghost said a little embarrassed.

Must be replaced!

No, it's better to change the children's room.

It's too hard to be a ghost now, and everyone is very courageous.

"Don't worry!" Hong Yi stood up, sat next to the scary ghost, took his hand, and said earnestly:

"The poor monk will introduce you to a business, let me introduce myself, the poor monk's legal name is Hongyi, and he is the travel messenger of the Western Sky. The main business is to help ghosts like you who have gone astray.

Our West Sky tour group..."

The scary ghost had a question mark on his face, and watched Hongyi non-stop introducing what business.

West Sky tour group?

what is that?

Seeing that he didn't show any interest, Hong Yi couldn't help being a little discouraged.


Why does the poor monk force you every time?

Can't cooperate?

"Donor, are you having a very unhappy life every day!" Hong Yi changed his mind this time.

Sure enough, the scary ghost nodded.

Certainly not happy!

People can't be frightened, and they will be frightened by you.

How can you be happy?

It is impossible to be happy in this life.

"Then the donor, are you very confused every day?" Hong Yi was chasing after him.

Scary Ghost nodded again.

I must be confused, and I still don't know which hotel to go to when I go out for a while?

With such a weak strength, you can't beat others, do you want to sleep on the street and become a beggar evil spirit?

Hong Yi nodded in satisfaction.

Holding the scary ghost's hands with both hands, he shook it eagerly: "Donor, thank you so much! You will be the first ghost of the poor monk to come to the island country to save, and the ghosts of the island country will thank you in the future!"

The scary ghost looked bewildered, and only felt that the hands that were holding him kept glowing.

Immediately after...


However, I didn't hear what I said before.

"Donor, remember to report the poor monk's name, the poor monk's legal name Hongyi!"

Chapter 97 Don't hurt the poor monk's crack girl (2 more)

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