Hong Yi looked back at her with a frown.

Resolutely took out the plastic bag prepared in advance from the bag, put it directly on the girl's head, and tied it tightly!


Then he said: "The poor monk is from the Qin capital of China, and this time I was invited to participate in the spiritual investigation and exchange! The poor monk's legal name is Hongyi!"

After speaking, wink at the witch!


What a delight!

The ghosts of the island country are really happy, are all the spirit slayers in the supernatural group like this?


"The name is familiar?"

I remembered!

Zhezi finally remembered the name, it seems that the spiritual headquarters did send several invitation letters to Huaxia, which seemed to have the name Hongyi.

It's just, isn't there 7 days left for the exchange meeting?

Also, are they all unified?

Why did this monk come by himself?

"Hey! Jia Luo..." Hong Yi stretched out his hand and shook it in front of the dazed witch.

Chapter 98 The Conjecture About the Cracked Girl (3 More)

Chapter [-] The conjecture about the gaping girl!

"First time meeting, please give me some advice..." Zhazi put his hands together and bowed slightly towards Hong Yi.

"Amitabha." Hong Yi smiled slightly.

After Hong Yi took out the documents of the Spirituality Bureau, Zhezi finally confirmed the identity of the monk...the monk in front of him.

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

"You're going to die...you're going to die!"


"I'm going to cut you off!"

At this time, the rip girl frantically pulled the plastic bag on her head.

After tearing it for a long time, it can't be broken?

Damn this monk!

How to treat an evil spirit like this!

Be sure to cut him to pieces!

"Amitabha!" Hong Yi reached out and untied the plastic bag.

"Shh...be quiet!"

Then put it on again, and tie it up!

"Jie Jie... Jie Jie... Am I beautiful? Beautiful?"

"Come on, am I pretty?"

"Come on, am I pretty?"

Hong Yi was planning to chat a few more words with the zygote witch, but he didn't expect that the cracked girl who was imprisoned by his own spiritual power was like a repeater, and kept repeating the lines over and over again!

Hong Yi frowned tightly.

Reach out and remove the plastic bag.

"The poor monk warns you one last time! If you are like a backgammon again, the poor monk will send you on the road first..." Hong Yi said a little depressed.

This rip girl is like a repeater.

Do not!

It's a repeater!

Big mouth?

"The zygote benefactor, the poor monk..." Hong Yi just turned his head!

"You say, am I beautiful?"

Hongyi: "..."

it is good!It's been a long time since a ghost dared to provoke a poor monk like this!

"The zygote benefactor, wait a moment, the poor monk will take care of his personal affairs!" Hong Yi smiled at the witch, stretched out his hand to pull the girl with a gaping mouth, and with his supernatural powers, he jumped up in an instant and disappeared in place.

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