"Wow! This monk can fly?"

"Is this an awakening ability?"

"I'm going to take a picture, take a picture..."

Passersby were amazed.

Zhazi was also surprised to see Hongyi, who was carrying the woman with the rip and disappeared several dozen meters away.

Are the people in the Huaxia Ability Bureau so powerful?

A few minutes later, Hong Yi came back with the rip girl.


The zygote was a little surprised to see the two bows on the mouth of the gaping girl.Leng Leng turned his head to look at Hong Yi again.

This monk...

too horrible!

He even sewed up the mouth of the rip woman, and what the hell was the knitting thread used?

With two cute bows?

"Amitabha, the zygote benefactor, I don't know if the poor monk came early. Can the Guiling Yi Group arrange a place to live?" Hong Yi took out his backpack and took out a stack of various cards and handed it to her.

what is this?

Zyzi reached out and took it.

"DNF666?" Is this the flight?What are you going to do with my plane ticket?

The zygote doesn't understand a bit.

Hongyi saw that there was no response from Zhezi, so he opened his mouth and reminded: "This... is the ticket when the poor monk came, and the Guiling Yi Group should reimburse it, right? Didn't they all charter the plane ticket?"

Zygote: "..."


Inari Shrine on the outskirts of Tokyo.

In the courtyard.

Hongyi comfortably soaked his feet in the hot spring.

I didn't expect this shrine to be so great, a small independent courtyard, and there is even a natural hot spring.

It's so comfortable!

Zyzi changed into a home clothes, of course, the kind of thick island folk style.

At this time, he was kneeling on the futon next to Hong Yi.

The woman with a grim face sat on a small wooden bench and kept twisting her body.

"Hongyi-kun, what are you going to do with this cleft girl?" Zhezi asked, looking at the cleft girl who was struggling.

She also didn't expect that the monk actually brought the gaping girl back all the way.

Why don't you get rid of this evil spirit and bring it back?

The zygote is somewhat unclear.

"Amitabha, the poor monk didn't understand some questions, so I just need to ask her." Hong Yi wiped his feet and lay down on the reclining chair next to him.

"Zygote benefactor, have you never met a woman with a gaping mouth?" Hong Yi asked.

He has some doubts.

The strength of this rip woman is very weak, and it is estimated that it is at most similar to the pen fairy recruited at that time.

The strength is so weak, it should have been eliminated long ago.

How could it have been doing evil for so long?

Zhezi is very smart, he immediately heard Hong Yi's question, and said, "Kikou girl is not an ordinary evil spirit, although her strength is very weak, it is very troublesome to deal with her.

She... can be said to be shaped by human beliefs, not an ordinary supernatural being.

Therefore, she is indestructible!

This cleft girl is already the 40th I've ever seen!

After each eradication, about 10 days or so, a new rift girl will be shaped again, so..."

"Oh?" Hong Yi was instantly interested.

The ghosts in China are all formed after a person dies due to various reasons.

This is the first time I have seen such a ghost created out of thin air.

"Amitabha, what if she has been imprisoned?" Hong Yi pondered for a while and said.

"No, I've tried it before. After a long time, the gaping girl will disappear on its own." Zyzi looked like he had a headache.

"The zygote benefactor, think about the poor monk Rong!"

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