"Host, after the collection task is started, every time a special supernatural power is successfully collected, the supernatural supernatural power will no longer be generated!" The system ruthlessly interrupted Hong Yi's fantasy.

"Uh, what does that mean, if the poor monk saves this cleft girl, there will be no cleft girl in the future?"

"Congratulations to the host, you got it right!"

Hongyi is in trouble now!

This Nima is still waiting to control public opinion and make the next rip girl better and better?

Give the zygote benefactor to others, and the cow criticism will be blown out!

As a result, it was directly overtaken, and there will be no rip-off girls in the future. This...

"Come on, you can talk to the water friends in the live broadcast room again..." Hong Yi asked the gaping girl to face the mobile phone live broadcast room transformed by the system, turned around and pulled the zygote out of the house.

"Uh..." Hong Yi touched his bald head, and said a little embarrassedly: "That...he child benefactor, the poor monk has bad news to tell you!"

"Ah?" He Zi immediately exclaimed when he heard it.

"Isn't the method just now unable to control public opinion?"

"It's not, it's mainly... this method is useless, poor monk..." Hong Yi didn't know how to speak.

"I think it should be feasible! Hongyi-kun, you have to do your best, Hezi believes in you!" Hezi clenched his fists tightly, waved at Hongyi, and said full of energy.

"This rip-off girl was saved by the poor monk... er, after being eliminated, I'm afraid she won't be reborn in the future!" Hong Yi said cautiously.

"If you don't get reborn, you won't be reborn... Hongyi-kun, you don't have to... ah?" Hezi said nonchalantly.

It's just that, halfway through, it doesn't feel right!

Won't be reborn?

That is to say, it can completely eliminate the gap girl?

"Ah... Hongyi-kun!"

He Zi exclaimed, jumped up and threw himself on Hong Yi, turning into a koala!

Hong Yi was dumbfounded!

What's the situation?

The poor monk has already said that there will be no more to destroy, don't you hear it clearly?

"Hongyi-kun, you are amazing, you can directly eliminate the gaping girl, and you will never have to worry about it in the future!"

The excited voice of the zygote could be heard in his ears.

Immediately afterwards, a warmth was felt on his face.

"Hongyi-kun, thank you... This is... Zhazi rewarded you!" Looking at Zhazi, who lowered his head and ran away quickly, Hongyi was stunned in place.

"Uh!" Hong Yi touched the cheek that was kissed.

What the hell!

Is this poor monk being molested?

Walking into the house, the woman with a gaping mouth was facing the live broadcast room without saying a word, her eyes dull.

"Water friends, the short time is always so happy... Today's live broadcast is here... The poor monk has something to do, so close it first!

Oh, by the way, the next poor monk is looking for Sadako, let everyone know in advance, and the live broadcast will send a notice in advance.Bye everyone! "Hong Yi said a lot to the live broadcast room, and directly let the system shut down the live broadcast.

"Uh... the female benefactor of the crack, the poor monk should send you..."

"Master, send me on my way!" Before Hong Yi could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the woman with a gaping mouth.

The gaping girl said excitedly: "It turns out that it feels so good to be a good person! Master, send me on my way...

Haha, I can't wait for the 199th generation rip girl to be born! "


The gaping girl walked away with a smile, but Hong Yi didn't tell her, it is estimated that you are the last generation.

In the future, if you want to see a girl with a gap, you can only go to the cinema!


"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully including the first island country evil spirit - the girl with a crack!"

"Obtain doubled super power: 50000, charm attribute +1."

Chapter 101 Meet the Vampire Again! (3 more)

Chapter 101 Meet the Vampire Again!


A castle on the edge of a cliff.

Under the bleak moonlight, the castle stood lonely on a huge stone, and the cold waves below kept pounding.


After a black bat fell, it instantly turned into a blond, blue-eyed white man with a somewhat frightened expression on his face, and slowly stepped into the castle.

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