A white-haired old man dressed in a brown plaid suit and elegantly dressed in classical style sat on the huge throne at the top.

Underneath stood neatly two rows of handsome men and beautiful women.

The men are all in tailored suits.

Women are all dressed in gorgeous dresses.


The old man opened his slightly squinted eyes and kept tapping his fingers on the throne.

A blond white man hurriedly knelt on the red carpet in the hall, shaking his head down.

"Yes... the Duke!"

If Hong Yi was there, he could recognize that this blond white man was the blood clan viscount he had captured.

"The noble descendants of Dracula will never be allowed to be so desecrated..."

"I... Duke Dracula is a descendant of the great Prince of the Gods. You all have the noble blood of the prince flowing through you..."

"You said..."

"This time, William..."

The old man sat on the throne, full of energy. Although the sound was not loud, it clearly spread throughout the castle.

A brown man below immediately came out, kneeled on one knee respectfully, bowed gracefully and said, "Duke Dracula."

"Go to... the island country, within three days I will see the head of that oriental monk!" The old man said that he would slowly close his eyes, and a smile appeared on his wrinkled face:


"No... Lord Duke... Lord Duke!" Viscount George shouted in horror.

The entire body is rapidly aging, and within a few seconds, it seems to have aged several decades.

And the whole body shrivels up quickly.

At this moment, a drop of crystal clear blood with a strong smell of blood flew straight towards the Duke.

The two rows of young men and women below had greedy expressions on their faces, each with sharp canine teeth as if uncontrolled.

"Spiritual recovery..."

"Prince Dracula is about to wake up..."

"The glory of the Protoss will shine on the entire continent..."

The old man gently hooked the blood drop into his mouth, with an expression of enjoyment, he slowly opened his mouth and said:

"You... are all descendants of the prince!"

"Go... to collect blood with powerful spiritual power!"

"It will surely be bestowed by the prince..."

"Prince Dracula is forever!"


Hong Yi regretted sending the girl on the road.

I blame myself for not being able to eat.

I knew earlier that I should let the woman in the crack contact with various island evil spirits.

It's easier to find that way.

"Hongyi-kun? Isn't it delicious?" Hezi couldn't help asking, looking at Hongyi who was in a daze with chopsticks in front of him.

Heko mustered up the courage to invite you to an izakaya for dinner.

Isn't it delicious?

"Uh..." Hong Yi embarrassed to touch his bald head and said:

"It's delicious... Look at this salad fish fillet, it's very good!"

Hong Yi picked up the soy sauce and vinegar next to it and poured it into the plate, mixed it with chopsticks, picked up a piece, and put it in his mouth.

"If you splash it with oil, it will probably taste good!"

Everything is good in this island country, but what about the food?

Did it come up when it was born?

Too stingy too!

Zygote: "..."

"Hongyi-kun, that's sashimi... this..." Zhezi watched him mix up all the sashimi, and he was feasting, so he decided to shut up.

Are Chinese monks so strange?

Eat meat and drink?

Zygote didn't ask the question about this question, maybe it's because of different customs.

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