"Just talking about your figure... you're not as good as A, do you have any self-knowledge!

Uh...sorry, you may not understand the word.

Don't you have a B number in your heart?Ugly B... Ugly B! "

After Hong Yi finished scolding, he suddenly felt the unpleasant smell just now, and it seemed like a fragrance.

The whole bridge is quiet!

The whole ghost will hold his legs tightly, and stare at his former friend in stunned eyes, for fear that he will be scared out of peeing.

When did this Axie Jun become so fierce?

This is fatal!

"Chuck... cluck..."

Qiaoji laughed angrily, and said with a grim face: "Okay... brat! It's been a few years since someone dared to insult Qiaoji for the first time. I'll give you a good taste of Qiaoji in a while."

"Just killing you like this, Qiao Ji is really reluctant to..."

"Giggle...I'll torture you slowly!"

"Little devil..."

I saw her hands raised, and she cried out, "Masters... catch them!"

Suddenly the whole wooden bridge began to shake.

Countless pairs of pale hands suddenly stretched out across the river, and thin corpses kept crawling out of the water and swarming towards the wooden bridge.


"Do you want to be my husband?"

[Author's digression]: Don't raise books... brothers!

Chapter 111 I'm Sorry, Your Husband Is Dead! (1 more…

Chapter 111 Sorry, Your Husband Is Dead!

A mummified corpse had already climbed up on the wooden bridge, and rushed towards Hongyi with claws and claws.

"Ah... scare-kun, let's... run!" Seeing that Hong Yi was still standing still, the ghost couldn't help roaring quickly.

"You go down first..." Hong Yi moved his hands and feet, facing the mummified corpse, and said with his back to the ghost who was still trembling.

"You... scare-kun!" Tears were about to come out of the whole person.

Unexpectedly, A Xianjun, who has always been timid as a mouse, planned to delay time for himself at a critical moment.

"Take care of yourself!"


"I will miss you..."

The whole person did not look back and quickly slipped off the bridge!

Hong Yi looked back, he was running really fast!

Gone in the blink of an eye!

But this is also convenient, and finally don't need to use this ghost body anymore!

My head is already bald, why not shave it?

Bad review!

Hong Yi instantly changed back to the appearance of a little monk, and reached out and touched his bald head.

Mouth twitched!

A group of mummies with only a few thousand fear values!

Hashihime slowly sat on the black water lotus next to her husbands when they climbed onto the bridge.

He lowered his head and trimmed his black nails, seemingly focused.

He didn't look up at the battle situation on the bridge.

As if it had nothing to do with her.

Listening to the sound of various limbs breaking from the bridge.

Hashihime was still smiling and manicuring her nails.

Ha ha!

Immediately that ignorant kid will be torn to shreds...

Suddenly the bridge fell silent.

It seems that the relatives have torn up the little ghosts, which is a pity, maybe they can still play!

"Giggle... The ministers are back!" Qiao Ji chuckled and slowly raised her head.


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