What about my husbands?

I saw silence on the bridge.

There was not a single ghost, only a bald monk kept bowing his head on the bridge, bowing his head, as if picking up something, but there was clearly nothing on the bridge.

"Xiang Gong?" Qiao Ji couldn't help crying.

The entire river was extremely silent, and there was no wave at all.

what happened?

With such a roar, Sen Bai's palm can fill the entire river.

Was there just now?

How could there be none left?

"Xiang Gong?" Qiao Ji called out again.

This time there was a response, but it was just the response from the bald monk.

"Stop screaming..." Hong Yi picked up an ordinary cheat book, turned his head and said to Qiao Ji, who looked like a dead man:

"I'm so sorry, your husband is dead!"

After speaking, he lowered his head and picked up a white forehead cheat book.

Hong Yi also did not expect that a group of rookies with a fear value of several thousand would have such a high explosion rate. Although they are all low-level and useless secrets, they are better than the number!

I just don't know if this bridge girl has a husband.

"Who are you? Where have my husbands gone? Are they all dead? How is that possible!" Qiao Ji was a little stunned at this moment.

This is hundreds of Xiang Gong, just died like this?

She couldn't take it for a while!

It took decades to save it!

just die?

"Amitabha, the chicken donor..." Hong Yi mocked:

"The poor monk really admires it!"

"It's so ugly to be able to find so many husbands!"

"It's you... it must be you, the dead monk, right?" Qiao Ji reacted, and it must be this monk's ghost. Otherwise, how could it be possible that hundreds of mummified corpses disappeared cleanly after cutting his nails.

Moreover, the strength of this little monk is estimated to be very strong, otherwise it is impossible to destroy so many mummified corpses in an instant.


"Little monk, are you willing to be my husband?"

Suddenly, Hashihime turned her back, and a heart-wrenching voice came out.

Hong Yi frowned slightly, he felt an invisible force pierce his brain, but he was blocked by King Kong in an instant.

Unexpectedly, this bridge girl has the ability to control people's minds.

No wonder you can control so many mummies.

"Do you want to?"

Hashihime turned around.

Impressively, her appearance has changed, her lips are red and her teeth are white, and she is as beautiful as the wind. At this moment, she is cocking her fingers and looking at Hong Yi frivolously.

Will it even be phantom?

Hongyi couldn't help but be a little interested!

This Hashihime's ability is very strong!

Seeing that the little monk in front of her was stunned, Qiaoji couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckle, and she could completely control this monk right away.

Lianbu came to Hongyi in front of him.

"Giggle... Little monk, why didn't you speak? Did you promise Qiaoji?"

Hong Yi felt that the invisible forces were increasing, constantly being blocked by the King Kong body.

"Am I not pretty?" Qiao Ji gently lifted her hair and gave Hong Yi a wink.

"Pfft... ugh..."

Hong Yi finally couldn't help spraying Hashihime's face in front of him, and quickly turned around and threw up on the railing of the wooden bridge.

I already knew that I didn't open my spiritual eyes.

This... this face is so disgusting.

However, Hashihime's data also showed.

Hashihime: She used to be a beautiful woman. Because she couldn't be with the man she loved, she threw herself into the river by the bridge. After her death, her resentment always existed. Whenever a man passed by, Hashihime would lure him into the water and suck it into a mummified corpse!

Fear Level: S+

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