Fear: 300000

Features: Hashihime is the most stubborn man, especially a lecherous man, and his attack strength is not strong.

"Note: Don't be fooled by her appearance, be careful to be sucked dry!"


Hong Yi remembered that he had destroyed so many mummified corpses just now. These were all lascivious men who were sucked dry by Qiao Ji?

As expected of an islander!

This production** is truly second to none!

Qiao Ji dazedly touched her face and got angry!

What did this dead monk eat?

Why is it all green?

Take a deep sniff.

Chive flavor!


Hashihime lying beside Hongyi also began to vomit.

"Ah ah ah ah... dead monk!"


"Qiao Ji must control you to death..."

"Soul capture!"

I saw an invisible gray air flow from Qiaoji's body, and it went straight to Hongyi's forehead.

It's just that the little monk in front of him didn't seem to feel it. He didn't even glance at himself. He even took out a bottle of water from his backpack and rinsed his mouth!


Spitting out the mouthwash, Hong Yi took a deep breath.

Finally more comfortable!

It's a pity that Zhezi's leek fried dumplings!

This Qiaoji is really a scumbag, and her skills are all about controlling people's minds. Unfortunately, when she encounters Hongyi's King Kong body protection magic, she can't play any role at all.

"Amitabha, the chicken donor, it's getting late... The poor monk still has some urgent matters, so I won't introduce us to you for the time being... Vomit!" Hong Yi lowered his head and said slowly, only halfway through, this Qiao Ji actually ran in front of him again I couldn't help but gag again.

That's it!

The poor monk is afraid of you!


Send this woman away with two palms...

If you don't leave, the poor monk will be leaving soon!Vomited to death!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully including the evil spirit of the island country - Hashihime!"

"Obtain doubled superpower value: 70000, charm attribute +1!"

Chapter 112 Weird TV (2 more)

Chapter 112 Weird TV (2 more)

"Where is this?"

In the darkness, Gu Heng opened his eyes.

It's really sad. Ye Gucheng stole the house for the two people who were urinating.

It's here when you wake up!

Reaching out and feeling around, the icy wooden floor looks like a leather sofa behind it.

Touch again!

I am!

It's a human leg!

So much hair?

"Who? Who touched Lao Tzu's thigh?" In the darkness, the voice of the person sitting on the sofa trembled.

Reach out as well.

is a woman?

Or flat chested?

so small?

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