"Zi La... Zi La... Zi La!"

At this moment, a piercing electric current sounded.

Then an old-fashioned TV lit up, and the picture was all black and white snowflakes.

Gu Heng and Wang Daochang glanced at each other, and at the same time withdrew their hands in embarrassment.

"Where's Ye Gucheng?" Gu Heng was the first to break the awkward silence.

Wang Daochang also shook his head blankly, and finally vaguely remembered that Ye Gucheng dragged the two of them all the way into the village.

So, this is where Sadako came in?

"Zi La... Zi La... Zi La..."

The two looked at the entire small room carefully.

It's very small, with only one long sofa, and an old-fashioned TV set opposite it.

The whole room has no doors and no windows!

It's like a closed space.

"Pin Dao, come and try..." Wang Dao Chang took out a stack of talisman paper from his arms, and whispered the formula in his mouth.

"go with!"

Talisman Moment...

Floating straight down.

What the hell!

"This room is weird! Pindao's vast spiritual power can't move the talisman paper!" Wang Daochang was a little surprised, he changed a new talisman paper, and tried again, still no response.

"Oh, don't try!" Gu Heng glanced at him.

What do you mean by not being able to move?

In this room, there is no spiritual power at all, okay?

If you have spiritual power, the old man touched it just now...Bah, the hair on your thigh is already burning!

In the end, Wang Daochang gave up.

"This is the end of the calf! There is no spiritual power, and we are not ordinary people?" Wang Daochang looked worried:

"If Sadako ran out of here, then we wouldn't have eaten arsenic and hanged ourselves -- we'd be dead!"

Gu Heng: "..."

You have a lot of words!

"Then she has to run out! She... the fuck ran out!" Gu Heng's words just started.

I saw that the TV screen had changed, no longer speckled snowflakes.

It turned into a motionless black and white picture, with a dry well in the middle, and it was like a wasteland, full of dead branches and rotten leaves.


The two were startled!

"Have you seen the movie?" Wang Daochang, who had been waiting for a long time, asked in a low voice.

"I haven't seen it..." Gu Heng shook his head.

If the heart is not good, who can watch horror movies?

"Hehe, Pindao has seen it!" Wang Daochang was a little proud.

Gu Heng squinted at him like a fool.

What time is this!

You are the king!Is it okay to install batches in batches?

"In the movie, Sadako will climb out of this well and walk all the way..." Wang Daochang pointed at the TV with a knowledgeable tone and began to spoil Gu Heng.

As he spoke, he was still lying beside the TV, posing in a strange posture, his thighs trying to get stuck on his shoulders, he lowered his head and stared straight at Gu Heng.

"Like this, get out of the TV!"

"Ahh... come and help!"

Gu Heng watched Wang Daochang lying on the ground like a spider, speechless for a while.

"Hurry up... my legs are cramping!" Wang Daochang blushed, and the leg he was putting up kept twitching.

The two sat on the sofa, staring straight at the still picture of the TV.

Ten minutes passed.

"Hache...Are you sure you've seen it?" Gu Heng asked a little depressed.

How long has it been?

Can't get out of the well?

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