"Brother Ye, look away, Sadako..." Hong Yi comforted.

Just before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ye Gucheng, and he raised his head, as if he had made some kind of decision, and said:

"I'm going to find Teacher Feng to confess..."

"I want to get married and become a father!"

Chapter 120 The Third Magical Power (2 more)

Chapter 120 The third supernatural power!

Several people returned to the zygote residence, and it was already midnight the next day.

They all fell asleep.

Hong Yi sat cross-legged in the courtyard, reciting the rebirth mantra constantly, and by the way, he called up the system and started to settle and add points.

Super Unparalleled System:

Host: Hongyi

Exercise: Washing the Marrow Meridian Ninefold (/320000)

Supernatural powers: celestial eyesight (can see all falsehoods, perceive the vacuum, and see all invisible, visible and invisible things, no longer limited to ghosts.)

Supernatural power (realize at will, flying and mountains and seas, all movements are unobstructed.)

Skill: One Yang Finger lv1 (The aura is shot through the fingertips with amazing power.)

Magic Knife Green lv11

Lion's Roar (The stronger the spiritual power, the stronger the power.)

King Kong Body Protection Magic lv5 (The body of King Kong, immune to 90% physical damage, and rebound attack 10%.)

Excessive value: 350000

Items: Unknown Map*1, Killing Stone Fragments*1...

Unexpectedly, I have already accumulated so many super-values, but now it takes 320000 super-values ​​to increase one level of the Sutra for Washing the Marrow. After so many days of hard work, I can only click it?

Is the experience too bad?

However, Hongyi still gave the super-value point to the Sui Sui Sutra, and wanted to try to see if new magical powers would appear after the Sui Sui Sutra reached the tenth level.

Sure enough, after the tenth level, a new magical power appeared.

And it's a very buggy magic power!

He Xintong: Within a certain range, he can know what is in the minds of all beings. (Be sure to use this supernatural power with caution and make good use of it. Each use of this supernatural power consumes the same excess value!)


Isn't that what mind reading is all about?

Does this mean that the poor monk only needs to exceed the value?


Think so exciting!

Hong Yi wanted to try it out and turned it on for a while, but in the dead of night, no sound was heard!

It's still a test tomorrow or sometime.


"Hongyi? Why don't you eat?"

Early the next morning, a group of people sat around a small wooden table and ate breakfast together.

Hezi looked at Hong Yi who had been in a daze with chopsticks in front of him with some strangeness.Couldn't help but ask.

very strange!

Why is Hongyi-jun staring at others strangely!

Hong Yi will feel very bad, very bad.

He has a good mind and can indeed hear what other people are thinking, but he can only hear the sound, not the picture.

This is embarrassing!

Moreover, people's minds change very quickly.

It is possible that one second you are still thinking about whether the meal is good or not, and the next second you may already be thinking about where to go tonight?

"Uh" Hong Yi's face turned slightly red, and he quickly responded: "The poor monk is not very hungry, you eat, you eat!"

At this time, the inner voice of Zyzi kept breaking out:

"What happened to Lord Hongyi?"

"Is the food inappropriate?"

"Do you want to go to an izakaya tonight?"

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