"Oh, so shy!"

"How do you speak?"

"Speaking of which, Hongyi-kun was very comfortable to carry on his back that night!"

"Invitation to the evening..."

Hong Yi put one hand on the dining table, holding his forehead, he had a headache, he would have known better not to try it!

He has a poisonous heart!

The more I listen, the more I want to hear it.

Hong Yi turned his head and looked at Ye Gucheng again.

Immediately, Hong Yi frowned tightly. Is Ye Gucheng so chaotic in his heart?

Amitabha, what are these?


"so shy!"

"Dear Feng...will this be a little too intimate?"

"The body is really..."

"Go back and watch it again later!"

"Sneak out and buy two..."

"Are there enough tissues?"

Hong Yi hurriedly turned off his Xintong, no wonder the system suggested that he must use this skill wisely.

So tempting.

This kind of supernatural ability to peep into the hearts of others is really...

As if like a demon.

Fortunately, Hong Yi grew up in a temple, and his character was appraised. If he was an ordinary person, it would be difficult to resist the temptation to listen to other people's hearts.

Addictive ah!

After eating, before going out, Hong Yi patted Ye Gucheng on the shoulder, took a roll of paper from the room and handed it to him.

"Amitabha, Brother Ye, go out and exercise more during the day!"

"Save it!"

After that, I left Ye Gucheng in a daze.


"System, is this crap useful? It can't be played at all!" Hong Yi said angrily to the system, fiddling with the new phone in his hand.


It was a great idea at the time!

What the heck, this phone is completely useless!

The island country can still use it, after all, most of the evil spirits have popularized this kind of mobile phone!

But what if you go back?

I can call if I know the name, but...

Te Meow's counterpart doesn't have a mobile phone at all, how could he be connected?

This wave of blood is lost!

Bored, Lai Hongyi took a pen and paper, sat in front of the computer, and began to inquire about the various evil spirits in the island country, large and small. Every time he knew a name, he tried to dial.

Most of them are unreachable.

Only a few can get through.

Among them is the evil spirit that Hongyi intends to find in a few days - Jia Ye!

However, according to Hongyi's estimation, this person should not be as strong as Sadako!

After all, Sadako affects the whole village.

This coconut can only affect a house.

Typical to Fu Ling!

Hongyi even used his mobile phone to call a few godlike characters in the island country.

However, it can't get through.

This phone is useless!

Completely useless, do you want the poor monk to return to China to popularize mobile phones for the ghosts?

Hong Yi hurriedly shook his head to drive away this terrible thought!

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