Hong Yi nodded.

Then turn around the table.

"Do you know how cosmic energy works?"

"Do you know what the theory of conservation of matter in the universe is?"

"Why don't the zodiac signs have cats?"

"Should tofu brain be sweetened?"

"What is the origin of Two Hundred Fifteen?"

"Do you remember where you hid, kid?"

Hong Yi kept asking a lot of questions, and using the lion's roar, the questions were played back and forth in the ears of the cat-faced old lady.

The cat-faced old lady was immediately stunned.

Brain hurts!

"do not know……"

"What is it? I haven't seen it before..."

"Didn't you get tricked by mice? Damn mice..."

"I've never eaten tofu brain..."

"Isn't the origin of the two hundred and fifty a fool?"

"My child, I'm hiding in a cave under Jingshan..."

"Amitabha..." Hong Yi smiled with satisfaction.

Know the whereabouts of the child!

"Haha... Do you remember that the poor monk called you?" Hong Yi stared at the cat-faced old lady and laughed evilly.

Now the poor monk should settle accounts with you?

The cat-faced old lady paused, looking at the smile of the little monk in front of her, a bad premonition rose in her heart.


Hong Yi picked out a pair of rusty scissors tied with a red rope from a pile of tools on the table.


A harsh screeching sound echoed in the basement.

The cat-faced old lady is even more frightened!

What is this monk doing?

"Amitabha, the poor monk once said that I found you, and the poor monk will entertain you well! I don't know if you like it or not..." Hong Yi said softly, lying beside the cat-faced old lady's ear.

A full 10000 excess values...

Poor monks don't entertain you, I'm really sorry for those ghosts who provide 10000 super value.

"This pair of scissors was consecrated by the poor monk. Don't look at it rusted, but it's still very sharp..."


The scissors got stuck within two centimeters of the old lady's skin!

"Amitabha, I'm sorry...Maybe it's really a little rusty...Wait a minute!"

At this moment, the cat-faced old lady's eyes almost burst out of their sockets.

"Meow meow meow--!"

"Meow meow--!"

Looking at the scissors stuck in her heart, the cat-faced old lady seemed to be insane, and her miserable cry echoed in the basement.

However, when she saw what the little monk was holding in his hand, the cat-faced old lady's meowing stopped abruptly.

Is this monk a devil?

Too harsh, right?

Although I am not a person, but you can not be a person!

The special scissors are blunt.

Are you going to hit it with a hammer?

Is there any animal protection association, I want to report this monk...

Everyone sitting in the living room suddenly heard a rhythmic, somewhat strange sound.


What is this knocking on?

Then came a huge cat meow, even with a pull sound...

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