
The sound goes from boom to fall...



Everyone looked at each other.

Mr. Ma was a little worried and said, "It won't happen, will it?"

"Do you have a plastic bag at home? Go and get some..." Gu Heng seemed to remember something at this time, and said to President Ma with a pale face.

When President Ma brought a stack of plastic bags, the people in the Spirituality Bureau consciously took one for each person, Wang Daochang took one, and stuffed another in their pockets.

"Are you afraid that the bag will leak?" Gu Heng asked strangely.

"Who's so afraid of the bag leaking, Pindao just ate a little too much, afraid that one bag won't be enough to vomit..." Wang Daochang angrily took out another plastic bag and packed it.

Hong Yi picked up a small basin from the ground and put the cat-faced old lady into it.


The craftsmanship seems a bit rusty...

Putting his head firmly in the middle of the washbasin, he stretched out his hands to straighten the two drooping cat ears.

Satisfied nod!

Hong Yi took the basin out of the basement.

Before going out, he took another look.

Nails, claws, tongue, all are there, and nothing is missing.

Turned around and closed the door.

Chapter 132 Is it going to be a big deal? (5 more)

Chapter 132 Is it going to be a big deal?

"You can't be..." Gu Heng looked in horror at the washbasin that Hong Yi placed on the coffee table, which was covered with a pair of bloody black cotton trousers.

Why do these cotton pants look so familiar?

"Amitabha, after some persuasion from the poor monk, the cat-faced old lady has already told the poor monk where the child is hiding..." Hong Yi stretched out his black cotton pants and said:

"The evidence is here... How much is the bonus this time?"

Just the moment the cotton pants are uncovered.




Everyone turned around, picked up the white plastic bag and vomited.

It's disgusting!

This monk is so special that he should have a pose.


Under Jingshan!

Hong Yi looked at the mountain whose top could not be seen, and was stunned...

The cave under Jingshan?

This is such a big mountain, how many holes does it have?

"Where is this cave?" Gu Heng also had a headache looking at the mountain.

"Poor monk... this way..." Hong Yi took the lead in choosing a random direction and walked over.

Walked all the way and turned several caves.

Only then did everyone understand that Hongyi didn't know which cave at all...

But everyone remained silent.

Because Ye Gucheng, who was silent, hadn't wiped off the nosebleed at this time.

Hong Yi had a gloomy face all the way.

When I went back, I sent the cat-faced old lady to the crematorium to burn...

Just when a few people walked into a small valley.

Suddenly, behind a black tree next to him, there was a gloomy voice.

"Jie Jie..."

"Do you think I look like a human, or like a fairy?"

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