This sounds familiar...

Hong Yi was about to speak.

Wang Daochang jumped out bravely: "I pretend to be a ghost in the middle of the night, I see you like a JB!"

There was silence behind the tree.

After half a day!

Under the moonlight, a cold light emerged from behind the tree.

"Everyone be careful..."

Wang Daochang drew out his long sword and waited.

The atmosphere became solemn for a while.

"Amitabha, come out..." Hong Yi shouted angrily behind the tree.

Suddenly the cold light stopped.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw a young man with yellow hair, ear studs, and a sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks coming out.

The behavior of the young man after he came out surprised everyone.


He knelt down in front of Hong Yi.

"Master, I'm Zhao Ritian..."

Hong Yi looked at the young man with yellow hair in front of him and couldn't help laughing.

It's a shame this weasel doesn't get a haircut.

A jelly smell came from far away.

The one kneeling in front of him was the yellow fur from the three weasels that Hongyi let go last time.

"Amitabha..." Hong Yi's eyes lit up when he saw him.

This weasel must be familiar with the mountains...

"Why are you alone? Where are your two brothers?" Hong Yi asked.

Huang Mao's face showed bitterness, he bowed his head and kowtowed to Hong Yi.

Now Hongyi is stunned!

What's going on here?Are those weasels dead?

"Stop...stop...don't knock..." Hong Yi stopped him and said:

"What's the matter? The poor monk needs your help to find a place."

Only then did Huang Mao raise his head, and he said with tears in his eyes, "They were all caught by that bear..."


"Yes, Master, there is a black bear spirit in this mountain. It is very fierce. We just went to steal a bird's egg that day, and the red and green hairs were caught by it."

"And this black bear spirit also partnered with an old lady like a cat to steal children... the day I..."

"Huh?" Hong Yi interrupted Huang Mao immediately.

"Stealing a child? Is it an old lady with a cat face?"

Huang Mao nodded desperately, and choked: "Since we listened to the master's teaching last time, we decided to change our minds and start a new demon, and never stole chicken again..."

"That black bear and cat demon are not things, not only stealing children... they... they also eat children..."

Hongyi nodded with a livid face.

That should be here!

Unexpectedly, the cat-faced old lady has an accomplice.

Lift the yellow hair with one hand.

"You lead the way, the poor monk is looking for this black bear spirit!"

Huang Mao took Hong Yi and others all the way into a transparent enchantment in the mountain.

Hong Yi looked at the barrier in surprise.

"Amitabha, there has always been this barrier here?" Hong Yi asked.

"No, they just came out recently. We went in. It's full of goblins, but they can't get out..."

"Last time we went in and stole a bird's egg, and was chased here by a bird whose whole body was on fire, but after we got out, the bird directly hit the barrier and couldn't get out at all."

Hong Yi fell into contemplation after hearing this.

This is not like the ghostly way of the Yin Lingwang at that time.

He opened his spiritual eye and glanced at the barrier.

"The spiritual eye level is too low to read the data..."

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