After Huang Mao ran back sweating profusely, he was a little stunned to see Hong Yi wearing a gas mask!

"Give you a minute to brew..." Hong Yi said in a low voice, pointing to the sleeping black bear spirit.

"Master, isn't this a good idea!" Huang Mao hesitated.

If this is to wake up the black bear essence with farts.

Shouldn't it be frying?

"Amitabha, why so much nonsense..." Hong Yi whispered:

"Can you let it go? The poor monk is in a hurry..."

Only then did Huang Mao twist back into the appearance of a weasel.

Somewhat embarrassed, he raised his butt and aimed it at the bear's nose.

Hong Yi tightened his gas mask and took a few steps back.

Made an OJBK gesture to Huang Mao.


A thick yellow smoke visible to the naked eye slowly rose.

Hong Yi couldn't help but take a few steps back!

It's really scary!

Such a special feeling that this fart is full of moisture!

Hongyi runs the spiritual energy, ready for the black bear spirit to run away at any time.

But after waiting for a long time, there was still no movement.


No way?

Can't wake up with this?

Wait until the yellow smoke clears.

Hong Yi took off his gas mask and kept staring at Huang Mao.

At this time, Huang Mao had already turned into the appearance of killing Matt, and Hong Yi looked at it a little dazedly, and his heart was straight.

Master's eyes are too...

very scary!

Hong Yi carefully looked at the weasel.



This is such a direct fart to smoke the black bear spirit out!

They started foaming at the mouth!

Too poisonous, my brother!

Hongyi originally planned that there would definitely be a big battle, but he didn't expect it to be done so easily!

It was unexpected!

It is estimated that the black bear will be dizzy, and the big ear scraper can't wake up directly.

In this case,

That poor monk is welcome!


After sending the children away, both Gu Heng and Wang Daochang looked like they were facing a formidable enemy, staring at the entrance of the cave.

Suddenly there was a sound from inside the cave.

"There is a noise, be careful..." Gu Heng immediately took out his long knife and took a few steps back!

Master Wang grabbed a talisman in each of his hands, ready to blast the black bear essence when it came out.

at this time.

A furry black head flew straight out of the hole.


Gu Heng shouted loudly.

Immediately before the furry black head fell to the ground, there was no scum left by the two of them.

Just as Hong Yi got out of the hole, he saw that the head of the black bear he threw was smashed by Gu Heng and the others.


I couldn't help but burst into foul language!

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