What a poor monk finally cut it off, and I plan to make a specimen when I go back.

Just let you two idiots be smashed to pieces?

At this time, the two of them posed handsomely towards each other.

"Wang Daochang, the shot just now was really heroic, and I am ashamed of myself!"

"Director Gu, I can't compare to you. The style of your knife is definitely the pinnacle of the pinnacle, and no one can match it..."

Two shameless old men are blowing rainbow farts to each other again!

Hong Yi walked in front of the two with a gloomy face.

He stretched out his finger and pointed at the black bear's head, which had been broken into pieces.

Point to the two again!

"One person fifteen thousand..."

"Just transfer money when you go out, or don't blame the poor monk for turning his face and not recognizing anyone!"

After saying that, they ignored the stunned two and walked directly outside.

Chapter 134 Ghosts in a County? (2 more)

Chapter 134 Ghosts in a County?

"You said that the little monk we picked up was really that powerful?"

"I always feel unreliable?"

"The information says that the outbreak of the ghost in Hangcheng was stopped by this little monk named Hongyi. Is it true? Why don't I believe it?"

"Besides, don't you all come by plane when you come to the south?"

"Let's pick him up at the highway intersection. What the hell?"

"Liu Chan, what do you think?"

At this moment, outside the toll gate of Nandu Expressway, a man with a flat head kept mumbling to an unusually beautiful woman next to him.

The woman stood at the highway entrance, dressed in a white dress, looking valiantly.

She frowned and said, "Zeng Wenjun, can you keep your mouth shut for a while?"

"The old lady came out with you to pick up someone, did you stop along the way?"

"Can you let your mouth rest for a while?"

The two of them are the people of the Nandu Lingyi Bureau. Today, they were ordered to pick up the team members who came from Qindu to support them. They are said to be young monks.

"Boom... boom..."

An engine sound like a roar of a beast came from the highway intersection.

Followed by.


With a loud bang, a red Ferrari smashed the railing of the toll station directly and flew past Liu Chan and the two of them.

Both of them stared at the Ferrari in the past.

Not because the car is expensive!

Of course the car is expensive too!

It's because people are fierce.

After Ferrari rushed out of the toll booth, a group of patrol cars followed closely behind.

"Bi Bo... Bi Bo... Bi Bo..."

"Fuck, who is this? Why is everyone here?"

Zeng Wenjun couldn't help exclaiming.

I saw dozens of patrol cars blaring their sirens one after another and filed out from the toll booth.

This can be understood in terms of traffic. After all, the car management and the police station can also understand. This may be within the jurisdiction of others. The question is, the special fire brigade is chasing after driving a big car, why is this?

"Amitabha, are the two benefactors picking up people?" At this moment, the Ferrari just backed up.

Zeng Wenjun and Liu Chan looked at each other.

They all stared blankly at a young monk sitting in the cab.


isn't it?

"Uh..." Liu Chan looked back at all the police cars that had been surrounded, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty.

Don't tell the old lady, this is the little monk who came to support?

"It's picking up..."

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