I saw him wearing a blood-stained gray-white black armor and a maroon-red black armor on his head. At this time, he was holding the reins with one hand and pulling with the other...

The captain of the Corpse Soldier in a cassock!

What's so special about this?

How did the two of them change their clothes?

And the most bizarre thing is, how did this monk shave the head of this corpse captain?


Hongyi stood with one hand in front of his chest, and said to everyone in the Spirituality Bureau:

"How is the poor monk? Can you tell?"

The corpse captain squinted at him, his rotten face kept twitching, and all kinds of black minced meat dripped onto the cassock.

He was also a little confused at this time.

Just now this monk was covered in golden light.

The ghost horse under the seat didn't wait for his order, he twisted his butt and wanted to run...


After being dragged aside by the monk on the reins.

And then, the monk did this inhuman act!

Everyone in the Spirituality Bureau listened to Hong Yi's question.

They turned their heads to look at the Corpse Soldier Captain, looking at him.

Suddenly they all shook their heads neatly.

"Are you planning to impersonate?" Nan Ling said in disbelief:

"This gap is a little too big!"

"He is completely rotten, you thin skin and tender meat..."

Is this monk crazy?

People are ghosts, you are human!

You still have to pretend to be a ghost to get into the interior. The idea is very good, but the reality should be cruel!

Never heard of people pretending to be ghosts, okay?


Seeing that everyone was shaking their heads and touching their faces, Hong Yi said embarrassedly:

"Wait, wait, the poor monk still needs to prepare."

"You look up to this squad leader! The poor monk will have something to ask him later!"

After speaking, he pulled the reins and turned around and entered the fog again.

In a moment!


"Look at how the poor monk is now?"

"Bah... how does this still drop the meat dregs?"

Hongyi rode a horse and came to the crowd again, and said with a smile.

This time, everyone looked at the person riding on the horse in front of them with a little horror, and they were looking at the ghost kneeling on the ground!


Why are these two people the same?

"How did you do this?" Nan Ling circled around Hong Yi several times, and said in surprise:

"It's not easy, is it?"

"Monk, are you a fairy?"

Hong Yi looked at her with a black face, stretched out his hand to support the helmet on his head, and said with a smile:

"Amitabha, how could the poor monk be a fairy!"

"This is just a means of poor monks!"

"Don't make a fuss, can you see if this poor monk can get in?"

Nan Ling nodded blankly.

You're already the same, okay?

Since Hong Yi came out, the live broadcast room has already been fried. At this time, when I heard what Hong Yi said, the group was even more angry.

[This is starting to cultivate immortals again? 】

[This live broadcast room is so poisonous, are we in the same world? 】

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