[I take it hot, the master even has the ability to become a ghost! 】

[I'm so envious... If I could become a ghost...]

【Fuck!I suddenly have a bold idea! 】

[Upstairs, I have already thought about what you think! 】

【What do you say? 】

[Fuck, you guys are so dirty... I thought of that too! 】

【A group of people interesting?Master, I will charge the money immediately and directly brush 1000 rockets, and I beg the master to become a red-clothed female ghost to make everyone happy...]

[Fuck, it turned out to be like this...]

Hong Yi looked at the barrage of kneeling and begging to transform into a female ghost in his mind, and the corners of his mouth did not twitch.

These guys are just...

Are ghosts that good?

I actually want to turn the poor monk into a female ghost... for you!



Speaking of ghosts for so long, the poor monk has really never changed into a female ghost!

Next time you have a chance, try it?

Transforming into a female ghost...isn't it too exciting?

Hong Yi shook his head and quickly dismissed the thoughts in his mind.

Turned over and got off the horse directly.

Slowly came to the side of the corpse captain who was kneeling on the ground.

He said in a low voice:

"Amitabha, this captain, the poor monk has a few questions to ask you... I hope you can see the situation clearly and answer honestly, otherwise the poor monk..."

Chapter 184 Can't Stop! (3 more!)

Chapter 184 Can't Stop!


"Donor, the poor monk wants to know, how many captains like you are there?"

Hong Yi stood in front of the Corpse Soldier Captain, smiled and said:

"Can you describe the poor monk, how big is this fog?"

After waiting for a long time, seeing the corpse captain still in a daze, Hong Yi couldn't help frowning.


He took out his long knife and slapped the corpse captain with a knife.

"Amitabha, did you hear what the poor monk said?"

The Corpse Soldier captain came back to his senses, and hurriedly said with a frightened expression: "Master, I don't know either!"

"Since I died, I have acted alone!"

"There are only a few brothers under my command, and there are a few who lack arms and legs."

"Other places...haven't been here before!

Hongyi: "..."


You are a piece of shit?

"The poor monk will ask you again, where can I find this King of Chu?" Hong Yi asked again in a deep voice.

Presumably this time, the ghostly creature has a lot to do with this king of Chu, but I don't know how to find it when the fog is so big?

"Uh..." When the Corpse Soldier captain heard this, his expression froze, and he said:

"When the King of Chu was alive, he never saw the little one, and now he's dead... I haven't seen him!"

"However, I once heard from the general that the daughter-in-law of the King of Chu gave birth to..."


Hong Yi directly slapped him again!

What the poor monk is asking is the King of Chu, you tell the poor monk the daughter-in-law of the King of Chu!

But you general have something!

The daughter-in-law of the King of Chu inquired so clearly...

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