"You are like this?" Hong Yi asked strangely:

"Then why are you so beautiful?"

"Uh..." The Golden Armor Ghost Master, who turned into a bearded man, showed a shy look.

"This... it's the Devil Eater... he... he likes..."

"Amitabha, the Ghost Eater Emperor turned out to be a woman?" Hong Yi looked up and down the Golden Armor Ghost Lord after hearing this, and couldn't help but say:

"I didn't expect this Ghost Eater Emperor to be quite unique!"

"Yes... it's a man..." The Golden Armor Ghost Master whispered slightly embarrassedly.

Hongyi: "..."

This is so...

Hobbies are even more unique!

"Well, benefactor, you should change back... The poor monk still thinks Xiao Xianrou is very suitable for you... Now this look is too rough, and the poor monk can't accept it for a while..." Hong Yi hesitated for a moment, facing the golden armor ghost master said.

The hair is so thick!

Those who watch it are heartbroken!

After the golden armor ghost master changed back again, Hong Yi stared at him and said:

"The poor monk would like to ask, is there any ghost in the ghostly creature this time?"

"Also, if the poor monk wants to find this Ghost Eater Emperor, where can he find it?"

The Golden Armor Ghost Lord pulled the somewhat loose gray-white armor and hurriedly said:

"It's gone...Master, it's really gone...It's all dead already..."

"This, Ghost Devourer Emperor...I don't know where to look for it? Every time he looks for me...And every time I leave after finishing work...I also..."


It's ruthless, just leave when you're done...

I really want to surpass this Ghost Eater Emperor!

"Good... good!" Hong Yi straightened his cassock, and suddenly looked like an eminent monk, Baoxiang said solemnly:

"What about the poor monk...he is the guide of the West!"

"For your tragic experience, the poor monk deeply sympathizes..."

"However, don't worry... Our West Sky tour group will definitely uphold positive life values, and there will never be a scum like the Ghost Eater Emperor."

"So, you can rest assured when you get there!"

"I believe it won't be long before the poor monk will send the Ghost Devouring Emperor there!"

Under the blank eyes of the Golden Armor Ghost Lord, Hong Yi sent him on his way!


It turned out to be good, and the ghosts who are willing to go on the road are more generous!

It seems that the poor monk needs to specially prepare a set of lines in the future!

Transformation Pill (Gold): The elixir formed by the unique ability of the Golden Armor Ghost Lord can transform into any humanoid creature (no longer limited to ghosts) for 3 days.

It's another transformation pill, damn it!

Can you give someone else?

What the poor monk needs is a cheat book... a cheat book!

Hong Yi picked up the medicine pill with a sullen face, stuffed it into his bag, turned his head and said to King Chu who was stunned:

"Amitabha! I don't know what the King of Chu asked for the poor monk?"

Why are all the people watching the poor monk crossing the ghost look like dementia?

Poor monk posture is wrong?

The King of Chu, who came back to his senses, pointed at the corpse army behind him with a solemn expression and said:

"Master... This king has an unkind request."

"This king wants the master to save me waiting..."

Having said that, the King of Chu actually knelt down to the ground again and bowed to Hong Yi.

All the corpse soldiers behind him also knelt to the ground.

They shouted in unison: "I beg the master to spare me..."

Hong Yi looked at the neat corpse soldiers kneeling in front of him, for a while he didn't know what to say!

Just now I was thinking about how to deal with the corpse soldiers of the King of Chu!

It's all over!

This Hongyi can't make a move, even though the corpse soldiers of the King of Chu are still ghosts.

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