However, since the group of corpse soldiers refused to accept the action of the Ghost Devourer Emperor breaking out the ghost mythical creature, Hong Yi couldn't save them.

Just when Hongyi was in trouble.

The system sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the proficiency of the Great Sun Tathagata's palm is full, and the second style has been successfully unlocked: the golden top Buddha lamp."

"The golden-topped Buddha lamp skill can relieve the host's siege!"

Chapter 189: Colorful Glass Jie Knife! (1 more)

Chapter 189: Colorful Glass Jie Knife!

The Great Sun Tathagata Palm:

The first form: Buddha's light first appeared (proficiency is full)

**Buddha Soldier - Wanhua Golden Dragon Capture!

Type 0: Golden Dome Buddha Lamp (20000/[-])

**Buddha Soldier - Glazed Jie Knife!

(Liu Li Jie Dao: Cut off the root of evil in the world, filter out the demonic nature and follow the good, the so-called all beings can become Buddhas, punish evil and promote good Buddha soldiers.)

Hong Yi looked at the brief introduction of the Golden Dome Buddha Lamp in his mind.

It seems to understand a little bit!

The Liuli Jiedao should be a Buddhist soldier that proves the "righteousness" of the heart.

Although the king of Chu was reduced to a corpse soldier because of his grievance, he had justice in his heart!

You can use the glass ring knife to cut off the resentment in your heart.



Hong Yi also didn't know, what would happen if he killed all the grievances in the corpse soldiers' hearts?

After all, I haven't tested it, maybe all of them will directly exceed the limit...

Maybe another way to survive?

After all, this world can no longer be viewed in the same way as it used to be. Spiritual recovery, all kinds of unimaginable things have all come out.

"Amitabha..." Hong Yi closed his hands, bowed slightly to the King of Chu, and said solemnly:

"Although the poor monk has a way to save you, but to save you is against the poor monk's philosophy of cultivating Buddhism since he was a child."


Seeing the embarrassed expression of the little monk in front of him, the King of Chu hurriedly knelt down again and pleaded:

"Master, it's been hundreds of years since I've been reduced to this person who is neither a ghost nor a ghost..."

After speaking, the King of Chu pointed to the many corpse soldiers kneeling behind him, and said again:

"Master, look at the soldiers behind you. They used to be brave warriors under the command of the King of Chu, but now they all look like this."

"I can't stand it any longer..."

"And seeing the brothers beside me with my own eyes every day, I can't bear the anger in my heart, and I become a ghost without a mind. This is really..."

"I would rather be saved by the master... As long as I can get rid of the appearance of this corpse soldier, even if my soul is scattered, I will have no regrets!"

"I beg the master to spare me waiting..."

Hong Yi frowned and looked at all the corpse soldiers behind Chu Wangtong.

Long time silent!

It is really……

Amitabha, Hongyi must be very excited when he encounters so many ghosts at ordinary times.

How much is this overpriced!

However, at this moment, looking at these corpse soldiers, Hong Yi...


Hongyi pondered for a long time, slowly lifted the King of Chu up, and said:

"The poor monk has a solution, but...the poor monk doesn't know what the result will be. Maybe it succeeds in overcoming you, or there may be other opportunities...this..."

"Forget wait for everyone to step back, poor monk, try it!"


On the battlefield of death!

The King of Chu led all the corpse soldiers, and all looked solemnly at the little monk in front of him.

Hong Yi looked up at the King of Chu who was facing him, and nodded at him.

Put your hands together, eyes slightly closed.

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