"Namo Amitabha……"

A faint sigh.

Followed by.

"The Great Sun Tathagata's Palm - Golden Dome Buddha Lamp!"

I saw Hongyi's whole body of golden spiritual power revolving rapidly, dazzling golden light all over his body.

A simple Buddha lamp slowly rose from behind and gradually stood on top of Hongyi's head.

The golden light flows, and the Buddha's light shines!

One after another with a peaceful Buddha light slowly radiated from the Buddha lamp,


The whole Buddha lamp began to rotate rapidly.

A long knife with colorful dazzling light appeared above the Buddha lamp.

For a time, the entire battlefield of death was illuminated brightly.

I saw that the colorful glazed Jie Dao slowly lifted into the sky, and the light became more and more abundant.


Suddenly, a seven-color sword shadow slashed down at the corpse army of the King of Chu and the others.

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

"Jie Jie...I hate...I hate..."

"Why? Why? I hate..."

A roar filled with grief and resentment kept coming from the corpse army.


The Liuli Jie Dao slashed again!

Immediately, in the entire Corps of Corpse Soldiers, one after another gray resentful figures slowly emerged from the Corpse Soldier's body, each with a hideous expression and kept roaring.

"Light Gathering Buddha Top Seal!"

I only heard Hong Yi murmur in a low voice.

Immediately, the entire Buddha lantern also rose slowly, like a scorching sun.

The King of Chu only felt that the golden light of the Buddha's lamp was getting brighter and brighter, and the golden Buddha's light that was radiated kept sinking into the body of his corpse.

Immediately, I felt a clear light in my mind.

The power of resentment that had been in the dark for a long time began to slowly dissipate.

The two rotten palms lifted up slowly on their own.

Put your hands together in front of your chest.

For a time, the entire battlefield of death fell into a strange picture.

All the corpse soldiers with rotten bodies and terrifying faces all sat cross-legged, their hands folded, and their heads lowered quietly.

In front of the corpse soldier, a young monk in a white cassock also sat cross-legged, with a simple golden Buddha lamp on his head spinning continuously, and a golden Buddha light shrouded all the corpse soldiers in front of him.


Outside the gray fog of death.

"Qin Bureau..." Nan Ling stood in front of Qin You with a dignified expression and whispered:

"Hongyi made us wait here yesterday...but..."

"It hasn't come out all night, and the live broadcast has also been interrupted!"

"Just now, a golden light shot straight into the sky inside the entire Nangu Mountain. This..."

Qin You stood with his hands behind his back, and stared at the foggy area in front of him with a frown.

I'm afraid Hongyi has already lost his luck!

"Go on and inform all the relevant departments in the Nangu Dashan area to sit down and prepare for the battle. I'm afraid this ghost mythical creature will explode in the next two days!" Qin You waved his hand and said solemnly:

"It's just a pity this little monk..."



Not finished yet.

Suddenly the whole ground seemed to be shaken, and it began to shake, and even the helicopter next to it began to tilt slowly.




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