Nan Ling couldn't help holding onto Hong Yi's cassock and turned her head away.

This monk is so terrifying!

There is absolutely no one who does this deliberately to find fault!

Hong Yi held the palm of the silver-haired old lady in his hand.


A palm smashed directly on the black table in front of him, and roared:

"Do you look down on poor monks?"

"To fool the poor monk with a fake hand?"

"Hsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Anss

"Little monk, deliberately come to find fault, the old body will satisfy you..."

Suddenly, the silver-haired old lady stood up and roared with a grim expression on her face:

"The old man is torn apart today..."

Before he finished speaking, he froze in place.

Because of the little monk in front of him, he directly bent down and apologized!


I saw the little monk in front of him folded his hands and said to himself calmly:

"Amitabha... This old man, the poor monk is joking with you... don't take it seriously!"

"Today is the big day for this Xiu'er, don't spoil the atmosphere!"

"The poor monk is here to apologize to you, the poor monk is wrong..."

"However, next time the poor monk will dare!"

"" The white-haired old man widened his eyes, pointed at Hongyi with trembling fingers, his chest heaved for a while, his eyes rolled suddenly, and he just fell down.

"This..." The matchmaker looked at the monk in front of her and couldn't help but twitch her Adam's apple.

The monk the ghost master asked to wait for... I'm afraid he can't do it!

This is too much work!


Hong Yi looked at the fainted old lady with satisfaction, turned around and said to the matchmaker:

"When will the wedding banquet start? The poor monks can't wait!"



"The poor monk will give you a daze again..."

Sure enough, before the words were finished, the matchmaker in front of him suddenly shuddered and hurriedly said with a smile:

"Come two come with me into the house!"

"Immediately after a couple of newlyweds worship the heaven and earth and are sent to the bridal chamber, the wedding feast will begin..."

"Come on, you two come with me!"

Hong Yi nodded, smiled at Nan Ling, and squeezed for a while to wink at me.

Following the matchmaker, who was twisting exaggerated steps, she walked slowly into the house.

Just entered the house.


Hongyi looked around and found that it was different!

It's true that all the items are for weddings, but... they are all white!

Even the wedding photos on the wall are black and white!

In the position of the bride and groom, there were two coffins, one blood red and the other jet black.

The atmosphere in the entire wedding hall was extremely strange!

Chapter 193 Resentful Ghost Lord (1 more)

Chapter 193 Resentful Ghost Lord!

The whole hall is very quiet!

In front of the two coffins were two Taishi chairs, and two old ghosts sat on them. The man was completely naked, and he was a human skin doll. red coffin.


Seeing that the hall looked like this, Nan Ling couldn't help but leaned her body tightly against Hong Yi.

It's so scary!

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