Let the two corpses get married!

Even the parents are not normal people.


Hong Yi reached out and patted Nan Ling, turned his head and walked to the two coffins, and said with a smile, "I wonder when the two newcomers will come out?"

He patted the blood-red coffin.

"The bride should be in the red one, right?"

"Jie Jie..." The old lady on the Grand Master's chair sneered.

"Thank you little master for coming to the little girl's wedding. After a while, the little girl will come out right away..."

The words just fell.

The big red coffin in front of Hong Yi slowly seeped out a black ghost.

Then the coffin lid kept shaking.


After a loud screeching sound.

A pair of white and delicate hands stretched out from the red coffin.

Immediately afterwards, the bride in a bright red wedding dress slowly sat up, turned her head blankly, and a cruel smile appeared on her pale and bloodless face.

"Little master...you have a lot of yang energy..."

The female ghost bride's voice was full of charm, her brows raised slightly, she blinked at Hongyi, and a red light flashed past.

"The little girl likes..."


Hong Yi glanced at the obsessed female ghost bride, then looked up at the two old ghosts on the chair of the master, and saw that both of them had a playful smile.

What the hell is this?

Cheating on your wedding day?

Or with parental consent?

Play so big?

Hong Yi took a deep breath, smiled and reached out to the ghost bride, slowly pulling her out of the big red coffin.

"The benefactor..."

Just as he was about to speak, suddenly the female ghost bride in front of him stretched out her index finger and softly pressed it against Hong Yi's lips, grinning:

"Little master later... let the little girl do her husband well!"

After Hong Yi heard this, he silently stepped aside.

What did the ghost bride just say?

Do yourself a favor?

"The auspicious time has come...the coffin is opened..."

The matchmaker behind him laughed.

I saw the female ghost bride came to the black coffin, reached out and gently pushed the lid of the coffin away, and said into the coffin in a very gentle tone:

"Xianggong...wait a moment...the slave family will stuff your body for you!"

I saw the female ghost bride slowly take out a human skin from the coffin.

Eyes full of tenderness.

The black ghost energy in his hand condensed, and a mass of bloody cotton immediately appeared in the hands of the female ghost bride.

After a while.

A human skin doll stuffed with cotton is ready. The ghost bride takes out the human skin head from the coffin and gently dresses the human skin doll.


Suddenly, a terrifying laughter came from the human skin doll's mouth.


"Clap clap clap..."

Hong Yi couldn't help clapping his hands and shook his head!

It's amazing!

Now Hongyi understands why this village is called Widow Village, there are no men anymore!

Emotional men are made into adult skin dolls!

"Female benefactor? This is your husband?" Hong Yi came to the female ghost bride, poked the groom sitting in the coffin, and said curiously:

"Will this leak?"

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