"Hehe, the little master is joking?"

"How about it, Xiu'er's craftsmanship? Is the little master interested in becoming Xiu'er..."

The female ghost bride showed a shy look, and a red light flashed in her eyes.

Immediately, Hong Yi felt his heart tremble.


Unexpectedly, this female ghost bride has the ability to control the mind.

"Haha... the craftsmanship of the female benefactor..." Hong Yi picked up the hand of the human skin groom and gently tugged it.

Not to mention it's pretty solid.

"Do you really want to make a poor monk into this doll?" Hong Yi's mouth twitched slightly, and he said jokingly:

"Isn't the show of the benefactor finished yet?"


"Ghost Lord?"

As early as the moment the ghost bride came out of the coffin, Hong Yi used his spiritual vision to look at her data.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the subordinate of the Ghost Eater Emperor.

Resentful Ghost Master: One of the ten ghost masters under the Ghost Eater Emperor, who is best at confusing people and creating illusions.

Fear Level: Spirit Level

Fear: 1500000

Characteristics: The ghost master has a distorted personality and is extremely cruel. He likes to peel off the human skin of men and make them into dolls to play with him all day long.

(Note: This female ghost is brutal and abnormal, please don't let the host hold her hand.)

As soon as these words came out, the face of the female ghost bride in front of her who was still smiling suddenly pulled down.

Followed by.

The female ghost bride gave a grim smile.

Reach out and put the human skin groom into the coffin.

Stand up slowly.

"I didn't expect that you, the little monk, actually recognized it..."

"Yes, this ghost master has been waiting for you here for a long time!"

"Today, this ghost master will slowly peel off your skin and make it into a doll..."

The Resentful Ghost Lord had a gloomy face and smiled cruelly.

The words just fell.

The entire hall was instantly filled with ghosts.

I saw the Master of Resentful Ghost wave with one hand.

Hong Yi only felt the scene in front of him blurred for a while, and then changed his appearance.

The entire hall just now turned out to be an illusion.


Hong Yi looked at the messy graves in front of him, and couldn't help but pull Nan Ling, who was stunned, beside him.

The ability of this ghost master illusion is good!

It turned the entire mass grave into a village.

"Jie Jie... Peel off his skin!" The Resentful Ghost Lord, who was standing in front of a tombstone, sneered.

Suddenly, a pair of pale hands stretched out from all the graves.

A personal leather doll slowly emerged from the grave.

For a time, blood-red eyes were everywhere in the mass grave.

"Don Nanling, be careful yourself..."

Hong Yi warned Nan Ling, turned his head and rushed towards the human skin doll in front of him.

The golden spiritual energy poured out of the whole body.

A yang finger shoots out a golden beam of light.




A sound like a leak sounded, and the skin of a person in front of him was instantly shot through by Hong Yi.

Not long after, the entire mass grave was covered with neatly pale human skins.

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