
Hong Yi waved at the master of the ghost in front of the tombstone in the distance and shouted:

"Donor...is this your husband?"

"It seems that your craftsmanship is average!"

"The poor monk hasn't tried his best yet, the skin is leaking!"

"Hehe, the little monk has some tricks, this is the beginning, what are you anxious about?" Facing Hong Yi's ridicule, the Ghost Master chuckled lightly.

He turned around and gave a coquettish shout to the tomb bag behind him.

"Not coming out yet?"

Immediately, the entire mass grave began to shake like an earthquake.

Hong Yi saw that the grave bag behind the Master of Resentful Ghost kept shaking.


A pair of huge pale hands stretched out from the tomb bag.

Chapter 194 The poor monk will be light (2 more!)

Chapter 194 The poor monk will take it easy!

Hong Yi looked at the giant doll that looked like a mountain in front of him, his face gradually gloomy.


This is such a big human skin doll, how many human skins have to be peeled off.

I saw the giant doll not far away, full of all kinds of sewing marks.

It can be vaguely seen that it is all pieced together from the human skins that are spread out.

One by one, the malevolent faces kept appearing on the giant's chest.

"Jie Jie... little monk, how about this?"

The Master of Resentful Ghost stood in front of the giant doll, raised his eyebrows at Hongyi, covered his mouth and said with a smug smile:

"It's still too late to promise the master, or..."

Saying that, he reached out and patted the leg of the giant doll next to him.

"He's not as talkative as this master!"

Hong Yi stared at the Resentful Ghost Lord, without saying a word, his whole body of spiritual energy slowly gathered.


"Do you like skinning people?"

"The poor monk will peel it off for you in a while..."

"Hmph..." The Resentful Ghost Master narrowed his eyes and snorted:

"Tear him apart!"

The giant doll's huge soles slowly stepped out, and the entire mass grave shook with each step.

Nan Ling looked carefully at Hong Yi who was rushing up to meet the giant in the distance, and couldn't help but feel worried.

The giant doll in front of him is really scary.

Ordinary people can't even reach their calves in front of him.

Can this monk fight?

Just when Nan Ling was worried and nervous, a dazzling golden light suddenly shot into the sky in front of her.

Immediately afterwards, a long knife with colorful rays of light appeared in the air.


I just heard a roar from Hong Yi in the distance.


There was a loud bang.

Immediately, the entire mass grave began to shake.

Nan Ling couldn't help holding a tombstone next to her tightly.

One after another, colorful rays of light kept shooting from the huge blade.

After a long time.

The entire mass grave once again returned to calm.


Nan Ling couldn't help shouting softly.

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