What the hell!

This is the health school!

Although there are male students in the health school, they are only relatively few.

But... we are a gynecology class!

Moreover, this male classmate is still bald...

"Ah...Bah! Hello everyone...my name is Hongyi, please give me some advice!" Hongyi bowed to everyone, said with a cracked mouth and a smile.

After an embarrassing introduction from the female teacher, Hong Yi sat in the last row of seats.

The same table is a girl with eyes and a little fat, looking very shy.

After Hong Yi sat down, he smiled at her.

Suddenly, the fat girl blushed and lowered her head.


It's kind of hard!

After Hong Yi entered the classroom, he looked at the Detachment Army of Women in the classroom and felt a little dazed.

No wonder he told Nan Ling and a few others that he was pretending to be a student to sneak in, and they all had weird expressions on their faces.

Why didn't you say that this class is all girls!

"Come... classmates, open the book, our lesson today is - how to urge a mother to ru!"

The teacher on the stage corrected his tone and said.

Hongyi: "..."

What the hell!

It's so hard!

I saw that after the teacher on the stage said the topic, all the girls turned their heads to look at Hong Yi in unison.

"Listen to the class well, what are you looking back at, is the teacher behind?" Seeing that the students were all looking back at the monk in the supernatural bureau, the female teacher roared angrily.

I don't know how this school is doing, but I just told myself to arrange for an undercover agent to enter the classroom, who would have known it was a monk.

"Come on... Everyone open the textbook, turn to page 46, do you see this picture? You can make a gesture on yourself to find the position..."

Listening to the lecture of the female teacher on the stage, Hong Yi silently sat in his seat and recited the scriptures.


This course is so exciting!


At this time, the slightly fat girl beside her placed the textbook in the middle and said:

"You just came, there is no book, you can read mine!"

Hong Yi opened his eyes, glanced at her, and shook his head silently.

"No, I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable. I'll lie down for a while and call me after class!"

After finishing speaking, Hong Yi closed his eyes directly and burrowed his head down on the desk.

"Then what the teacher taught today is quite important. How do you find a position? Or..."

The fat girl's concerned voice came next to her ear.

Hongyi decisively waved at her again.

What's the matter, if you don't leave the get out of class, if you go on like this, the poor monk will go crazy!

What kind of school is this!

What classes are you teaching?

"Do you feel it? Everyone pay attention to the techniques in the book, and slowly from the inside out..."

"There is no skill in this technique, just practice more... After going down, you can slowly practice with each other at the same table..."

"Okay, this class is over, the next class is - how to take care of maternity privately..."

After class was finally dismissed, Hong Yi took out a tissue from his bag and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

This class is too easy!

However, just as Hong Yi raised his head from the table, he was immediately surrounded by a group of girls in front of him.

"Your name is Hongyi, right? My name is Zhang Zixin..."

"My name is Lei Rui, hee hee..."

"My name is……"

A group of girls kept introducing each other in front of Hong Yi, and Hong Yi touched his bald head awkwardly.

"Well, hello everyone... hello everyone!"

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