After finally sending a group of little girls away, Hong Yi heaved a sigh of relief.

He raised his hand and looked at the time, it was already 7 o'clock.

Evening study should be about to start.

According to the information from the Supernatural Bureau, the class that had the accident yesterday should have been a supernatural event that occurred during the last class of the evening self-study.

That is around 9pm.

"Same table, aren't you going to eat?" The slightly fat girl next to her said again:

"If you go to the cafeteria late, there will be no food!"

This girl is really kind!

Hong Yi smiled at her and said:

"I've eaten, so I won't go. It's just right, poor...Bah, I want to ask you, what are you doing for self-study this evening? You don't have to go to class, do you?"

Only the slightly fat girl in front of her shook her head.

"There is no class for self-study in the evening. Everyone can just review and review what they studied during the day, but there are not many people reviewing, either watching movies, watching trees, or playing games."

"That's good...that's good!"

Hong Yi couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief after hearing this.

If there is another class, the poor monk can't bear it anymore.

Come on this bastard!

Chapter 199 The appearance of the horror red envelope game (4 more)

Chapter 199 The horror red envelope game reappears!

Hong Yi was lying on the desk, flipping through his phone boredly.

It's a quarter past nine.

The ghost still hasn't appeared.

The moment Hongyi installed the phone.

The phone vibrated continuously in the classroom.


Hong Yi hurriedly took out his phone again.

Sure enough, a WeChat message popped up on the screen.

"Welcome to join the 'Red Packet Grab' game group!"

"Ghost Lord: Start the game of grabbing red envelopes immediately. There are a total of 28 people in the group, and the person with the smallest amount of red envelopes will be punished!"

"Everyone must smoke, and if they don't smoke - die!"

A photo was sent out later, and Hong Yi took a closer look. It was the teacher and student who died tragically in the classroom of Class [-] of Senior Year [-] last night.


That's right, it's this group leader called Cursed Ghost Lord.

Hongyi decisively took a look at this cursed ghost master in the group, and began to output non-stop!

"Hongyi: NMSL!"

"I'm running out of money to send a red envelope with such ink marks? Hurry stupid B!"

"If you grab it for a few cents, I will curse you for sticking to the pot in the crematorium!"

In a dilapidated building on the outskirts of Nangu.

The Lord of Cursed Ghost smiled and held his mobile phone, and was about to start giving out red envelopes, when he suddenly found that there was someone in the group, Aite himself, and took a closer look.

Immediately his eyes turned red.

What the heck is this in the group?

How dare you insult the master like this, you are the youngest for the first time!

Must make you die in comfort!

Reach out and click on the red envelope, enter the password, and a black ghost burrows into the red envelope instantly.

"You can leave soon... Jie Jie... Tonight is another night full of fear!" The ghost master sent a red envelope, grinned, turned into a black smoke and dissipated directly on the spot.

Hong Yi looked at the red envelope in WeChat on the screen, and decisively stretched out his hand.



What the hell, this ghost is really buckled...

"How much did you get?" Hong Yi couldn't help asking when he saw the little fat girl at the same table also ordered a red envelope.

The little fat girl smiled and raised her phone and shook it in front of Hong Yi.

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