

A deep breath came from the deepest part of the alley, accompanied by...

Sounds like a **.

Hongyi walked slowly to the deepest part of the alley.


Suddenly, in the darkness, there was a hoarse roar.

Followed by.

In the dark night, two pairs of blood-red lights came from the deepest part of the alley.


A shot went off.

Hong Yi suddenly felt a squeak coming from his chest, reached out and gently removed the bullet casing on his chest, and threw it aside.

"Ding dong... ding dong..."

A crisp landing sounded.

"Tsk... he..."

Another hoarse roar.

"Bang bang bang..."

A series of gunshots rang out, and a pale golden brilliance slowly emerged from Hong Yi's body.

The bullets kept being shaken to the side.

Waiting for Hongyi to slowly approach the deepest part of the alley.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't help squinting his eyes.

I saw three scantily clad women lying on the ground in front of me, with a tall man lying next to them.


The two eyes were sunken, and the blond foreigner was looking at him with a grim expression.

Hong Yi looked up and down the two.

"Amitabha...Damn vampire!"

That's right, the two foreigners in front of them are vampires.

Whether it was the sharp canine teeth sticking out of his mouth or the blood remaining at the corners of his mouth, they all proved the identities of the two foreigner vampires in front of him.


A vampire in front of him gently stretched out his scarlet tongue, evoking the remaining blood at the corner of his mouth, and smiled at Hong Yi.

Immediately, a blood-colored fog enveloped the entire alley.


"I'm not strong, I can pretend like this every time..."

"Poor monk..."

The golden rays of light from Hongyi's whole body began to burst out non-stop, and a wave of terrifying spiritual power instantly rushed the two vampires to the wall.

"Where do you come from?"

Hong Yi put his finger lightly on a vampire's forehead and asked slowly.

"He... roar..."

The vampire in front of him opened his mouth wide and kept roaring.

Suddenly, a golden spiritual power flashed past, and the vampire with his mouth open was startled, and slowly collapsed to the ground.

"What about you?"

Hong Yi turned to look at another vampire attached to the gun.


There was still a low growl.


With a flash of golden light, this vampire was also solved by Hong Yi with a single Yang Finger.

He looked down at the deceased on the ground and took out his mobile phone.

Haven't dialed the number yet.

Suddenly, a WeChat message popped up, it was Master Chen's account.

Hong Yi opened it and looked at it, his face suddenly gloomy.

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