"Your Excellency... the master is in our hands! Dracula's noble blood cannot be violated, and I want him to live..."

"Ha ha……"

"We are waiting for your Excellency in the United States..."

Chapter 203 Rush to the United States (1 more)

Chapter 203 Rush to the United States!

Los Angeles International Airport, United States.

Hong Yi walked out slowly with his bag on his back.

Looking at the neat rows of palm trees around, most of the pedestrians coming and going are foreigners with blond hair and blue eyes, and I couldn't help rubbing their bald heads.

It's not the same as the last time I went to the island country.

There is a more exotic feel here.

After answering the phone, Hongyi immediately contacted and bought a plane ticket to go to the United States.

There was no news when Lutong contacted the witch hunter Guan Ning.

Hong Yi stood in front of the road at the airport gate, glanced around, and saw a young woman with a completely Asian face who had been staring at him in the distance.


This should be the person who Gu Heng arranged for Huaxia to do foreign affairs here, and the guide person arranged by the Spirituality Bureau.


Miao Lu stretched out her hand first, and said cautiously:

"Mr. Hong, my name is Miao Lu, I'm the person who organized and arranged to guide you these days."

"I don't know if we should go to the hotel first or..."

Miao Lu's expression was a little nervous, and his superiors told her that the monk in front of him was not an ordinary person, but a very important figure in the spiritual bureau. Let her obey all the requirements of the other party, and don't provoke the other party.

This made her nervous and curious.

An important figure in the Huaxia Spirituality Bureau.Sneak into America!

Is this a big move?

Moreover, ordinary people like her usually have no access to members of mysterious departments like the Supernatural Bureau.

This is quite an American supernatural person!

That is a high existence.

"No, go directly to your office! The poor monk needs your help to find an organization!" Hong Yi said directly.

"it is good!"

Miao Lu nodded in agreement.

Randomly opened the rear door and left the airport with Hong Yi.

Hongyi turned his head and looked carefully at the scenery outside the car.

The United States seems to be very different from China. There are many fewer high-rise buildings, and they are all independent houses like villas.

The atmosphere in the car is a little awkward!

Hong Yi didn't speak, Miao Lu drove the car quietly, glanced at the side from time to time, and didn't dare to speak.

For fear that a monk accidentally angered the monk in front of him.

"Amitabha..." Hong Yi slowly opened the car window, suddenly thought of something, turned his head and said with a smile:

"Donor Miao Lu, the poor monk wants to ask if there are ghosts in the United States?"


Miao Lu suddenly froze when she heard the question asked by the monk in front of her.


Why is it so strange to ask this question in broad daylight?

"Yes... Is there? I'm not very clear about this, but the American superpower once said on TV that there should be ghosts in the United States..."

"There are a lot of weird things like this in Los Angeles, but I've never encountered them."

Miao Lu answered with an embarrassed smile on the corner of her mouth.

Hong Yi nodded after listening.

Before I came, I also checked the internal network of the Spirituality Bureau, the United States...

There are also a lot of supernatural events, but this country is not the same as China. After the supernatural recovery of this country, it seems to be taking the route...

Well, what to say!

It's like an Awakened or something.

I don't know the specific Hongyi very well. I can't see anything just by watching the video, just some fireworks, and those with wings...

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