All in all, all kinds of weird people.

"Amitabha!" Hong Yi then said:

"Then... is there a Superman in America?"

This Hongyi is very interested. I wonder if anyone in the United States will play Superman after the supernatural recovery?

"There is this... Superman is still a relatively well-known leader of superhuman abilities in the United States, and he is often on TV!" Miao Lu said after thinking for a while.

"Oh... Really? Does the powerful Miao Lu donor understand?"

Miao Lu glanced at the interested monk on the co-pilot, and couldn't help but pursed her lips.

Is this big man...

Did you come to trouble the American superpowers?

"It hasn't appeared on this TV. There are some private videos on the Internet, but I don't know if they are true or not."

"Oh, Mr. Hong, here we are..."

After Miao Lu finished speaking, she parked the car and got out of the car.

Hongyi gently pushed open the car door, and in front of him was a single-family manor in the suburbs, a small one.

"Amitabha... Patron Miao Lu, is this where you work?" After Hong Yi got out of the car, he looked around and asked with interest.

There is a lot of empty space around this place.

At a glance, there is this house in front of you.

Miao Lu nodded, smiled and said:

"Yes, Mr. Hong, this is just a small branch in Los Angeles. The bigger one is in the city and far from the airport, so..."

"Also, it's usually me and another member here, but she has a mission recently!"

"Come on, let's go in!"

After Hong Yi entered the door, he was a little confused.

I thought that when I came in, there would be all kinds of computer equipment, and there should be all kinds of firearms on the shelf next to it.


Unexpectedly, after coming in, there is a normal family decoration in front of me.

It doesn't look like it's a Huaxia foreign affairs office here!

"Amitabha... female benefactor, poor monk..." Hong Yi sat on the sofa, touched his bald head, and asked a little embarrassedly:

"The poor monk wants to ask, is your foreign affairs office in this kind of environment?"


Unexpectedly, the girl who led the way in front of her exclaimed in surprise.

"We are not stationed abroad!"


"Then what organization are you? It's not a foreign affairs office? How can you pick up poor monks?"

"We are the Huaxia Migrant Workers' Union Organization. The leaders arranged to pick you up. I'm not very clear."

After Hong Yi heard this, he only felt a pain in his temples.


This is really Gu Heng's style!

Simply unreliable!

You found a migrant worker organization to borrow poor monks. Is this a plan to let poor monks work here?

"Mr. Hong, but I know that you are a person from the Supernatural Bureau, and the above explanation is very clear, so... Where do you want to go these days, just tell me... I grew up in Los Angeles, and I can say that I am very familiar with it. It can be found anywhere." Seeing the ugly face of the monk in front of him, Miao Lu hurriedly patted her chest and said:

"Really, I don't believe you can say anything casually, I can definitely say it casually!"

Hong Yi raised his head and glanced at Miao Lu, whose face was flushed in front of him, and took a deep breath.

"Amitabha! All right! As for the poor monk, we need to find two places."

"The first one, the Demon Hunter's base in Los Angeles."

"Second, the place where Prince Dracula's vampire descendants settled in Los Angeles!"

"You know both of these?"

Miao Lu: "..."

What is the witch hunt organization?Prince Dracula vampire?


What did the monk say?

Why hasn't this girl heard a single one?

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