I don't remember!

"Ahhhh... Your Excellency!"

Suddenly, there was a miserable cry in the air.


Then, a black round object fell, bounced on the ground a few times, and rolled into the grass next to it.


Master Liaochen came over and whispered:

"Have you seen it clearly? Why did the old man look so familiar with this head just now?"

Guan Ning and the white man kept nodding their heads.

"Looks like the old vampire marquis!"

Guan Ning said in a low voice.

"Your Excellency... we can really talk about it..."

"Really! Your Excellency!"

At this time, there were bursts of pleading in the grass.

The three of Master Liaochen looked at each other in dismay, and sneaked into the grass.

The old vampire Charlie really wanted to cry at this time.

I knew that this monk was so powerful, what place was he looking for!

"Your Excellency... Are you there? Your Excellency?"

Suddenly, feeling his head being gently lifted, old Charlie hurriedly shouted again:

"Your Excellency...I..."

Looking at the familiar old monk and witch hunter in front of him, Old Charlie suddenly pulled out an embarrassed smile.

"This... Seeing that you guys are all right, I'm relieved!"

"Amitabha!" Master Lu Chen stretched out his hand to lift old Charlie's head, shook it back and forth in front of him, and said with a smile:

"I didn't expect it! I didn't expect it!"

"Isn't that the noble Marquis Dracula?"

"What's going on here?"

"Uh..." Old Charlie's expression froze.

"It's all misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding, Master Lu Chen, please tell your apprentice, we can have a good talk..."

Master Lu Chen smiled and nodded, and gently put Old Charlie's head on the ground.

"It's okay to talk, but before we talk... Lao Na..."

Having said that, Master Lu Chen took off both shoes, reached out and handed one to Guan Ning next to him, and gave a look that you understand.

"Smack you first to relieve your hatred!"



"Come on!" Master Chen, who was pumping vigorously, saw Guan Ning holding his shoes and couldn't help but say:

"Let's smoke together!"


After Hongyi landed, he followed the direction and walked towards the place where Old Charlie's head flew away.

Just before he got to the place, he heard a series of shrill screams.

"Stop smoking..."

"Pfft... Your Excellency, smoked to death... No way!"

"Ah ah ah..."

Isn't that the voice of the old vampire?

When Hongyi walked over to take a look, his master squatted barefoot on the ground, Guan Ning squatted beside him, and the white man sat on the other side, holding a head with both hands.

I saw Master Chen and Guan Ning keep raising, falling, raising, falling.


Hong Yi squinted at the miserable old Charlie and couldn't help frowning.

It is so pitiful!

The master himself understands.

In summer, Master Lu Chen has never been bitten by mosquitoes, mainly because of the smell on his feet.

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