Basically take off your shoes!

Mosquitoes in the house were either stunned by flying, or they escaped like crazy.

I can't even think about using this on my face!


Hong Yi slowly came behind a few people and called out softly.

I didn't wait for Master Chen to speak.

Old Charlie on the ground hurriedly roared with snot and tears:

"Your Excellency... please... kill me!"

"The taste is unbearable!"


Hong Yi nodded sympathetically, stretched out his hand to lift old Charlie, and then said:

"Let's go first!"

"There is a female donor over there waiting for the poor monk. As for this vampire, it is still useful for the poor monk to go back!"

After Master Chen put on his shoes, several people walked along the ancient castle path to the side of the road.

"Nothing will happen!"

Miao Lu, who was sitting in the car, kept raising her hand and looking at her watch.

The monk has been gone for more than an hour.

And there seemed to be a sound of collapse just now.

Should be alright, right?

"Master Miao!"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the glass from the side of the car. Miao Lu turned around and saw that the supernatural boss had returned, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If this happens, how can I explain it to the organization?

Hongyi took the lead in getting into the co-pilot, and Master Liaochen and the three got into the car.

"Let's go, let's go to the place where the Demon Hunters are organized, the Double Eagle Building!"

Miao Lu nodded after hearing this.

Skillfully twist the key, ignite, pull down the handbrake, throttle...


A burst of engine roar sounded.


The front hood of the car bounced straight up.

"Amitabha... is it broken?" Hong Yi looked at Miao Lu, whose face was flushed, and said:

"Isn't it all right when the poor monk came?"

"Mr. Hong...this..." Miao Lu looked back at the white man and whispered:


Chapter 209 When will you take office? (4 more)

Chapter 209 When will you take office?

Hongyi stood on the ground floor of Shuangying Building, looking at the towering building in front of him, he was in a trance.


This demon hunter organization is good enough!

To work in such a high place!

"polar bear!"

"Yes, master!" White Bear hurriedly came over and whispered:

"Master, what are your orders?"

Hong Yi looked at the white man with a cautious expression in front of him, and couldn't help rubbing his aching forehead.

What's more, I was almost entangled to death by this bear man along the way.

Damn it!

Do not worship yourself as a teacher!

What the hell, you are a cross bearer!

What kind of master are you worshiping!

The poor monk and the cross are opposites, right?

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