Listen, what a poor little loli!

Ghost Loli then said, "Then, I ran and ran... The fat uncle behind me kept chasing him, and I was very scared at the time!"




How did you die?

Hong Yi couldn't help getting up gently, put Little Lolita on the bed again, and reached out to pick up the ruler next to her.

"Clap clap clap..."

A miserable cry came out again.

"Amitabha!" Hong Yi gently wiped away the tears from the corner of Little Loli's eyes, and said softly:

"Go on, how did you die? Was caught by that fat uncle? Is it right for you?"

Ghost Loli frowned tightly, pouted her mouth, and glanced at the Oriental monk who was holding her arms.

"Uncle, your thoughts are so evil..."

"I fell down the stairs myself and fell to my death!"

Hongyi: "..."

"Clap clap clap..."

Miserable cries echoed in the hotel room again.

After a long time, Hong Yi turned to the ghost attendant and said:

"What about you?"

"Also abducted by the bad uncle?"

Unexpectedly, the ghost little butcher in front of him shook his head like a rattle.

"No... I died by drinking the medicine myself!"


This little Zhengtai was killed by mistake.

"I was afraid of going to school, so I drank the medicine and died... But it's good to die, you don't have to go to school, and you can follow Sister Lolita every day to be scary!"

Hong Yi looked at the little loli next to her who kept sobbing, and then at the little follower!

He silently picked up the ruler in his hand again.

He turned his head to Xiao Zhengtai and made a gesture you understand.

"Uncle... take it easy!"

Unexpectedly, little Zhengtai didn't respond yet, and there was a little loli's voice next to her.

Hongyi turned his head and looked!

Are you addicted to being beaten?

I didn't say you, why did you lie down again?

Chapter 212 ML Loli Bar! (3 more!)

Chapter 212 ML Loli Bar!

"Come on, take it one by one!"

Hong Yi reached out and took out two lollipops from his bag and handed them to the two little ghosts.

"After a while, see which fat man it is, and tell the poor monk, do you know?"

"That... that uncle, you don't need to look at the goldfish to eat a lollipop, right?"

The ghost little Lolita took it over and whispered.

Hong Yi rubbed his forehead, waved his hand, and continued to drive.

Does this little loli have persecution paranoia?

The poor monk kindly bought you two candies to eat, but you will be misunderstood!

too difficult!

In the daytime, I talked about it anyway, and asked Master Chen to help me figure it out. Finally, I figured out where the uncle in the mouth of Little Loli would appear tonight.

As soon as it was dark, Hong Yi grabbed the two little devils and drove off.

I'm used to dealing with ghosts all day long, and Hong Yi's heart is a little strange about the trouble of finding someone so coldly!

"Are we playing well?"

At this moment, a small loli's crisp voice came from the back of the car.

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